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Race Behaviours


The Arbiter of the Gods
This thread is a list of main races, and what they behave like/ what their personalities are like. As it stands I decided to "fix up" the RP, by suggesting ways in which you can either enhance the RP or "Role Play Correctly". This is a tutorial. I don't say you should follow it word for word, and hey, everyone is ALWAYS different. Also a point of note; your character can always change ;)

List of Races and their personal qualities are:

  • Humans - Probably the most universal race in Altera, they are highly adaptive as they are basically the ones that created the world you see and roam around. They are, however, not only pretty closed-minded but also extremely destructive. If there is something they don't like, they'll be trying to change it. They are almost instinctively aware of their power in numbers over other races, and certainly use it when they can or need to.
  • Elves - Elves are probably even more closed-minded than Humans, and believe of themselves as the Master Race even more so than any other races. This often leads to arrogance and hatred towards other races, especially the Dwarves, Earthspawn and Greylings, which they (often quite rightfully :p) consider disgusting. With that in mind, Elves are extremely elegant and take great care in most aspects of their physical qualities. This effect gets taken to new extremes with High Elves, who even consider Wood Elves and Dark Elves as completely inferior.
  • Dwarves - Highly Indoctrinated from birth, the Dwarves hate everyone, especially Elves, Greylings and Earthspawn. They are somewhat tolerant towards Humans, as they are also ready to destroy the world to make it prettier, though at some point ideas collide, and don't really care about other races but that doesn't mean they won't kill any of them. Dwarves are pretty intelligent, with compulsory education, though they rarely show that intelligence when they don't need to, making them seem pretty stupid at times. Don't let them fool ya though ;)
  • Earthspawn - Earthspawn are very aggressive, and often believe that violence solves far more than intelligence. They also have the right muscle to follow up from the punch, and are pretty bloody huge. Though like other races they believe they're the best, they don't care about their race as a whole. However, they are loyal towards their chief, and dream about glory and gore gained from a battle.
  • Greylings - Greylings are pretty vicious, probably despite being smaller more violent than even Earthspawn. They look down on other races and on themselves, and rarely, if ever, dishonour themselves by speaking Common language.
  • Caparii - Caparii show their emotions very strongly. If they are angry, they are furious. If they are happy, they are extremely happy. If they love, they'll kill for their love. If they dislike, they hate. They take their honour very seriously, so be careful what you say about them, especially when they're listening :p. However in general, they don't not really care about other races much.
  • Halflings - Halflings are pretty friendly towards other races, and do not consider themselves anything more than what they are. Friendly, and with few regrets.
  • Nakam - Despite facing hatred from other races and being rather closed in their own society, the Nakam are usually accepting towards others, and do not consider themselves any better than anyone else... (Though from time to time you do get a psychopathic Nakam torturer that ends up almost killing tonnes of people... Pro tip; if your leash is short enough, get a Nakam torturer. They're good at their stuff.) It should, however, be noted that any Nakat that has not yet become accustomed to life in the Northern Kingdoms will hold an irrational hatred towards both Dwarves and the practice of magic.
  • Syrien - Syrien are the other apply-for race, which is quite the opposite to the Nakam. They are generally even more arrogant than the Elves, and the term "racism", despite being quite modern, can be used here. They were the ones trying to flood the world, (which would solve a lot of issues and *starts mumbling on). In general, they are kind only towards each other, and hate other races, who stole their land and fish their people...
This is nothing more than what you will find on the Wiki. Before making an unusually "smart" character, read the Wiki well, especially the personal qualities of your selected race.


Lord of Altera
Good idea, but I don't like the generlisation of humans. Not what you have written, but the fact that there are subcultures that differ greatly from what you have said and the other subcultures.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Change it, of course.
Also, yeah this is a generalisation... seems that's what I do xD
But in general that IS our nature, no doubt about that. However, I did say everyone is different, and as far as Humans are concerned, they're probably the most variable.