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!IMPORTANT! Weirdos in Altera

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Lord of Altera
So lately there has been a lot of talk (throughout various threads) about RP situations currently. This thread will address the issue of "weirdos" (Earthspawn, Nakam, Greylings, Caparii, (possibly Syrie) in Altera, more specifically PS.

Currently if the average Altera joe sees an Earthspawn growling at him, or even just stand there, in Port Silver, there reaction might be something along the lines of "Uhm...hello?" Now this is understandable for our modern culture of acceptance, but in medieval times, the period in which Hollowworld is roughly based off of, they were not NEARLY as accepting. They drowned people they THOUGHT were witches, imagine what they would have done to hulking green people! So next time you see an Earthspawn in Port Silver, or anywhere for that matter, I challenge you to be more frightened. Maybe say something along that lines of "*gasp* Wha...wha.....AHHHHH *screams* Sweet mother of Harateth HELP me!" Now that may be a little extreme but you get the idea.

Although I don't know too much about Nakam I know they are furry cat-like people. Now seeing a furry cat-like person in Altera is only slightly less terrifying then seeing one in real life. terrified! They are even rarer then Earthspawn, and have fur! Ignorance! Ignorance is key to RPing in Altera with weirdos.

Although not yet verified by Fitz, Greylings are pretty much hundreds of Smeeguls. Yep, they are that creepy. The real threat is that the will betray you! When RPing with a grayling just keep this in mind
Greylings generally have disfigured faces and bodies considered ugly by the overworld races of Altera, the rows of needle like teeth do not help in the slightest.
I don't know much about Syrie so I'll skip them rather than telling you a lie (and getting Abbey mad at me :eek:)
We have all compared Caparii to are favorite The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe character, you know you have. They can sometimes be lovable, surly. But first time viewers of these creatures will be terrified.
Keep in mind, there is exceptions to EVERY rule I just stated. Some people will simply be fascinated by these races, others will have grown up around them. But one thing to ALWAYS remember, and I can't stress this enough. Ignorance is a tool to live by in Altera!
Ignorance: Lack of knowledge or understanding.


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
The Syrie are a people with fish tails and scales on their legs.. Who can breathe underwater (Witches!) You're general reaction to them should be:



Lord of Altera
So here is an awkward senerio from a man and Queen Abbey.. Enjoy..

*QA (Queen Abbey) sits in the water, her tail covered by water*
M (Man): Woman, why do you sit in the water, naked? It is a public place.
*QA blankly stares at the M*
M: You are beautiful, but miss you could drown or get sick. Please, come out of the water...
*QA reveals her tail*
M: .... *runs away screaming* SEA WITCH!! HARATETH SAVE ME FROM THIS SEA WITCH!! Do not curse me?! PLEASE! SAVE ME!
QA: Fool.

Something to think about.. You run across women who swim.. And fish-tailed people..


Lord of Altera
Is it ok if my character is ok with Earthspawn? He's a human, but he learned Earthspawn from some of them, and he actually quite likes them...


Lord of Altera
I personally disagree with this. The idea of Altera, while its a medieval style world, it also has fantasy elements to it, one of those being the many different races. The citizens of Alter have grown up around other-worldly creatures like these, and would be used to them. So... running away from every Earthspawn is actually quite a strange reaction.


Retired Staff
I personally disagree with this. The idea of Altera, while its a medieval style world, it also has fantasy elements to it, one of those being the many different races. The citizens of Alter have grown up around other-worldly creatures like these, and would be used to them. So... running away from every Earthspawn is actually quite a strange reaction.
Greylings are a rare sight on the surface, Nakam don't often pop into populated cities, and Syrien flat-out hate land-dwelling creatures. Humans, elves, dwarves, and halflings I can understand not reacting majorly to, since they're all just oddly scaled humans.


Carpet Monkey
So lately there has been a lot of talk (throughout various threads) about RP situations currently. This thread will address the issue of "weirdos" (Earthspawn, Nakam, Greylings, Caparii, (possibly Syrie) in Altera, more specifically PS.

Currently if the average Altera joe sees an Earthspawn growling at him, or even just stand there, in Port Silver, there reaction might be something along the lines of "Uhm...hello?" Now this is understandable for our modern culture of acceptance, but in medieval times, the period in which Hollowworld is roughly based off of, they were not NEARLY as accepting. They drowned people they THOUGHT were witches, imagine what they would have done to hulking green people! So next time you see an Earthspawn in Port Silver, or anywhere for that matter, I challenge you to be more frightened. Maybe say something along that lines of "*gasp* Wha...wha.....AHHHHH *screams* Sweet mother of Harateth HELP me!" Now that may be a little extreme but you get the idea.

Although I don't know too much about Nakam I know they are furry cat-like people. Now seeing a furry cat-like person in Altera is only slightly less terrifying then seeing one in real life. terrified! They are even rarer then Earthspawn, and have fur! Ignorance! Ignorance is key to RPing in Altera with weirdos.

Although not yet verified by Fitz, Greylings are pretty much hundreds of Smeeguls. Yep, they are that creepy. The real threat is that the will betray you! When RPing with a grayling just keep this in mind
I don't know much about Syrie so I'll skip them rather than telling you a lie (and getting Abbey mad at me :eek:)
We have all compared Caparii to are favorite The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe character, you know you have. They can sometimes be lovable, surly. But first time viewers of these creatures will be terrified.
Keep in mind, there is exceptions to EVERY rule I just stated. Some people will simply be fascinated by these races, others will have grown up around them. But one thing to ALWAYS remember, and I can't stress this enough. Ignorance is a tool to live by in Altera!
Ignorance: Lack of knowledge or understanding.

guys guys guys whoa, stop there for a moment. what frankie is saying here is totaly right, but (and here comes a big butt) wrong too

yes, an Eartspawn grwoling at me is kind of strange and frigthening, but it isn't like that race just popped up out of nowhere 4 weeks ago. it is one of the old races of Altera! ppl know or have already heared of them. So a growling Eartspawn doesn't need to be a disturbing thought. My character would for example just friendly greet him, unless a weapon is sheathed. then i would carefully watch him if he trys to attack.

same goes for nakam. yeah ok, michcat just recently redid them, but they are still an old race of Altera. and they are mostly peacefull.

how can i describe want i want to say the best? oh right, it was done before many times. Now everyone of you please think about your experience with the elder scrolls. there we have orks, lizzardmen and the cat-kajit. sure, the child or a poor farmer that never got farther away then 1km around farm will be totally freaking out to see one of them, but for example inside the capital of Altera? nah, come on.

but it still is true that every odd looking person is treated as average steve looking human. there should be more racism towards some or all of the odd ones (think about how your char acts/reacts!) and for gods sake...just use the lore and your own char-description. then everything would work on it's own.

i for example watched greylings and eartspawn very carefull at the beginning, while nakam just let me keep a neutral distance because i found them odd. now i have seen so much, got drunk with Oglub, have a nakam take care of my wife and unborn should i still treat them like strangers, monsters, things not like me?

just a sidenote. prince caspian of the syrys married into house Lonmar. The ruling house Lonmar! and now tell me ppl should walk along the street and scream in fear as soon as they see a syryn.....they scream because syryns are killers, because they tryed to drown altera and all that. but not because of their looks^^

you "strange" guys can't ask for fear and on the other hand want all the positive things the other races have. we can't have Syryns and Eartspawn in the council of Lords for example, if we humble humans are so feared of them >.<



They may have been around a long time but they are rare! and unusual! They are meant to be rare enough to not see them every day.

It's down to the lore masters to decide how they should be generally treated and not for people to try and find loopholes.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Original Post seems worth a +1.

General Rule: If it's different, be wary, be afraid, or just be downright terrified.


Faelin said:
Original Post seems worth a +1.

General Rule: If it's different, be wary, be afraid, or just be downright terrified.
Different being anything thats not humanoid....if thats the right word


Lord of Altera
Dwarves are short and have longer beards than you, be waary, roar

Also, I like it Frankie, I'm sure it's been mentioned a lot and someone had to make the thread :p

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Frankieba5 said:
So lately there has been a lot of talk (throughout various threads) about RP situations currently. This thread will address the issue of "weirdos" (Earthspawn, Nakam, Greylings, Caparii, (possibly Syrie) in Altera
Ah ha! Human ghosts aren't weirdos! Wooo!