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How should we be addressing people?

Is this useless?

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Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Recently, I noticed something ("Oh my gosh Jstar, you do have an attention span!") a lot of people are unclear or are just to lazy to type out how we should be talking to people.. If you are still unclear then the below should help:


Kings, Queens and Royalty: Refer to them as "Your Grace", that should be a mandatory thing.. Even peasants did this, are you below a peasant?.. Although peasants said it in different ways "Y'grace" was a common one I think..

Lords and Ladies: Depending on your birth (Noble or Common) there are two ways to say this. Highborn people should say it "my lord" or "my lady" however the common folk should say it like "m'lord" and "m'lady"

Knights: Knighting was a common thing back in the days of old, therefore it was common courtesy to call a knight "Sir", try and do this it would be a nice thing.


Other than that there aren't any others that I can think of now.. But I honestly think it should help add to immersion, if only in the slightest of ways! It was uncommon for you to call a King "Draco" in front of him, it was just plain rude. So just try and give these a whirl and see how it plays out!

For example, my character being a Lord would be very formal when it comes to titles, adressing people by their station, however some other characters e.g madmen (Who seem to be the norm in Altera) would just not care.. This would be considered very very very very rude, or just plain ignorant and ill-mannered..

The King (Or Queen) does not have to care as much with titles as, ya know, he does what he wants. But other high ranking peoples should always be polite.

If I missed any out do tell me! Suggestions and feedback are appreciated!


Phew, good to know I already do this.
I'm not an offender!

Edit: Also... my character is a Knight. I expect to be addressed properly!


The Kingdom Crusher
Nice work mate, hopefully this'll change the way those peasants everyday people think to address the masters higher ups in authority.

Mind you, I have one character who follows this, one that just calls everyone "wee lass" or "wee lad".


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
One've my characters is too old to care about things anymore and has decided to be blatantly rude to everybody.

Less bigheaded characters of mine have always used a mirror of this address, and I'm really glad to see a post about keepin' it immersive- Woo!


Retired Staff
One of my characters doesn't bother with distinguishing people beyond the name they identify with, another appears to call people by their titles for his own amusement, and the third refuses to use titles beyond his own.

EDIT: To be fair, they're all rather nonstandard. A machine, a madman, and a pirate.


The original mute
Ok, so I have a mute, who cant say that :p a shadow who doesn't give a toss, and a 3 year old girl who doesn't know those words mean.


Lord of Altera
Good to see this Jstar, I always wonder myself why people would go and not address anyone by their title as I'm sure Abbey would eat their feet if they didn't address her as Queen...wait, does this mean I get fancy titles?

My character always ends up referring to Draco as 'My liege' or just 'Draco' as he's used to the old Lonmarian times and meetings...


Lord of Altera
Thank ye Jstar, just make sure you add something in at the bottom about how your character would address people- explain exceptions etc.