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Your Character In The Far Future?


Lord of Altera
I was sat there and wondered what would Andras be like in the years 20,000

So yeah basically:
What your char would do?
Where in society would they be?
How do you think they would live?

Andras: I always imagined Andras in the future as a evil corporation boss, who has a private army (similar to the Phayder Corporation from Unreal with the Necris)
Granted he would harbor some demons with a failed family life and personality disorders
I think Andras would live in a penthouse suite due to his "Boss" job and he would smirk as the underclass go die in a pointless war with a Alien race

Caspian: Caspian would be the Alien race, living in the ocean and just trying to get by while snatching the odd legged from the waterfront, probably would carry a waterproof chemically propelled weapon (Maybe a bolt rifle)
I believe he would live alone if he wasn't royalty but if he was would live with his queen


Lord of Altera
Rose would probably be living in a city underground. Working as a runner for some underworld group. Living in some rundown house with a bunch of other runners for hire. She would probably keep her swords just because of cybernetics that would be available (increased strength, speed, ext) just because everyone would be using some fancy gun or something they wouldn't think someone to come running at them with a sword (plus swords are still silent).


We demons of our solemn hour
Sylvus would join up with Caspians Ocean stuff!

And Rox would be a Slaver to enslave the aliens and make them fight eachother for his own fun


Lord of Altera
I think Thomas would be leading some kind of anti-alien religious group.

Add another 20,000 years and my character would most likely be an Inquisitor, purging Alien worlds with his Bolter.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Faelin would probably be doing something sciency that people aren't supposed to know about. :p


The Arbiter of the Gods
Albareth would be very high in the society knowing life, though he'd also stay in the shadows of those believing they're above him, while at the same time holding far greater powers than anyone could imagine. Staying in the shadows, where you're harder to detect, but can see better yourself, right? xD


Lord of Altera
Seth would be augmented heavily and be a Space Marine, favouring the Power Axe and working in stealth jobs with his augmentations and on the front lines as a main priority... he'd be high up in the chain as well with connections to businesses... generally just shooting a lot of things, bullets and words


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Lathan would have severe PTSD and probably live in the middle of nowhere, detesting anything that bothers him.

Sylvisi would probably be a successful entrepreneur, relentlessly upkeeping some giant organization-- Probably weapons or warfare technology.

Eminu, with the abundance of fun toys on hand, would be right back with her serial killer ways and a thousand different presences (Pretending to be nice and making friends in lots of places, pretending to be idiotic and gaining the upper hand).


The Kingdom Crusher
Chalkan would be the same.

Dav'id would be the same, but with a lot more bang for his buck. (I mean, a lot more crazy gizmos and inventions)

The Birdman would be the Penguin from Batman Arkham City.


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
Ced... oh Ceddy Ced Ced.

His DREAM would be him running a thriving valley town, deep in the giant oak woods, a safe haven for the respected and revered Ranger's Guild, a home for the dozens of expertly trained Rangers placed all across Altera. He would live with Lillith (his long gone lover) in this town, and would speak often with Dayter and Nylas, who would have more hand-on jobs to with the Guild.

His REALITY is probably much darker. But eh, spoilers.


Lord of Altera
Ced... oh Ceddy Ced Ced.

His DREAM would be him running a thriving valley town, deep in the giant oak woods, a safe haven for the respected and revered Ranger's Guild, a home for the dozens of expertly trained Rangers placed all across Altera. He would live with Lillith (his long gone lover) in this town, and would speak often with Dayter and Nylas, who would have more hand-on jobs to with the Guild.

His REALITY is probably much darker. But eh, spoilers.
I can imagine them like a sneaky Eldar Craftworld


Lord of Altera
Anithola would be underground somewhere, practicing genetic mutations to prove he was right in some stupid didcussion.


Lord of Altera
Andras would send all his workers to far flung colonies, then he would forget about them and wonder where the money is coming from :p


Lord of Altera
Gildor would probably be part of some criminal organisation somewhere, trying to wrap his head round the many different events of the time.

Lektah (if still alive) would be part of a high security asylum somewhere in the centre of a gas giant.