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What makes sense and what doesn't


Dark Auras

Alright, I have a question: This came up after an RP event earlier today.

With our lack of IC guards, people are now staging massive public treason against the kingdom, and because of our lack of Ic guards (None we're online >.>) this is happening without consequence.

But if you were IN CHARACTER thinking about it, wouldn't you consider not doing it in a huge public manner like this? Surely the guards would pull you away, beat you then throw you into prison for treason against the crown? And this was in one of the most visited parts of PS, there'd definately be guards (If we had any :FF)

Another issue is without these IC guards the Kingdom surely would of fallen.
We need NPC guards! (Probably a stupid idea but >.> <.<)


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
First of all I'd like to make a few points.
1) We had considered this, for a long while. We had archers around. Armed guards. People in the crowd on our side and Invisibility potions. Both Louis and I would have sacrificed ourselves and be put in jail to make sure Chalkan Escaped.
2) The lack of guards isn't our fault. The event was posted and somebody should have ensured that at least on guard was online.
3) The idea was to have it in a well known place, in a high point. Which happened.

Although I do agree with you point on there having to be more guards. Perhaps force enlisting?


Dark Auras

First of all I'd like to make a few points.
1) We had considered this, for a long while. We had archers around. Armed guards. People in the crowd on our side and Invisibility potions. Both Louis and I would have sacrificed ourselves and be put in jail to make sure Chalkan Escaped.
2) The lack of guards isn't our fault. The event was posted and somebody should have ensured that at least on guard was online.
3) The idea was to have it in a well known place, in a high point. Which happened.

Although I do agree with you point on there having to be more guards. Perhaps force enlisting?

Surely your small group of revoltists wouldnt have more guards/archers then the entire kingdom.

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
I witnessed this RP and thought it was excellent also how can they have a revolution speech in an empty area, of course it had to be a public place otherwise no one would of saw it. -_-

Dark Auras

Since i weren't around to see this, would someone please explain what exactly happened?
They held a speech at the Merry Mead basically telling people that the government/(Everything) was corrupt, and lying to us all about our safety. The way I see it, is the guards would of came, beat the speech-givers over the head then thrown them in prison until court.


Lord of Altera
No. Unless a guard was in the Mead, then he'd have to leave to tell his fellow guards, which would look suspicious to everyone listening to the speech about the revolution.

Dark Auras

No. Unless a guard was in the Mead, then he'd have to leave to tell his fellow guards, which would look suspicious to everyone listening to the speech about the revolution.
IF we had a proper force, icly, there would be guards all over the Mead. Its the most drama-trouble causing place in the Kingdom. xD


There would be guards everywhere, just because theres no player guards. Theres only 30 people on the server doesnt mean theres only 30 people in Altera.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
''Lying'' I think this is a bit biased. Something like ''Controversial view about our safety'' would be a bit more accurate. You don't agree with what has been said, doesn't mean I don't agree with it or many other people.

''The way you see it'' Yes. The way you see it! You're pretty much saying we can't do it because you wouldn't. So what if I was thrown in jail? I would escape. I broke someone out of jail before, I can break out again. Even if I didn't escape? So what? Chalkan would of got his message out and I would of died a matyr.

I still don't see what the problem is....


Dark Auras

''The way you see it'' Yes. The way you see it! You're pretty much saying we can't do it because you wouldn't. So what if I was thrown in jail? I would escape. I broke someone out of jail before, I can break out again. Even if I didn't escape? So what? Chalkan would of got his message out and I would of died a matyr.

I still don't see what the problem is....

I use the term "The way I see it" as in, I saw this happen, and this should of happened"


We demons of our solemn hour
Another complain about the lack of guards? seriously. .
We lack guards. . Agreed
Learn to live with the fact that people enjoy freedom. . Both ic and ooc..
Personally I enjoy realistic rp.. but there are loads of people who think they are able to kill a guard and rp on without consequences. .

Why do not our laws work you ask?
three words: freedom in Roleplaying


The Kingdom Crusher
Ack, before this get's any worse I'd like to just clarify that Chalkan wasn't talking down the the crown, he was talking down to the centuries and millenia of history after tribes formed into kingdoms. As in, if he was in real life he would be talking down to the history and events that followed through when the Celt's and the Dark age in Europe ended, or when the Europe laid claim the the new world, Africa and Oceania.

We/I don't want to be seen as revolutionists, because we aren't really. We're like the Amish in a way, in that we gave up what the rest of the world offered in exchange for a more simple, "family" orientated life. The speech was made in order for us to get the message out that there is an alternative to mainstream life.

And I do agree that we need more guards, but I don't think that I'd get arrested because talking down to civilization (which covers a lot more then the Silver Crown and the Northern Kingdoms) because people are linking it to treason.

Also note, my organization don't want any OOC hate (I said this specifically on the event forum post). All we want is to have a good time. And please don't mention that this is a practical server, which I already know, but how practical do you expect half naked tribes people with green tattoos to be? Do keep in mind, however, we did have an escape plan as we expected more guard. Please accept our apologies for any OOC stir up, we only meant it RP wise :/ (Also, I may have worded this weirdly, but it is late where I am and I'm a bit stressed ._.)


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
I'm not going to argue with you because I don't want to get in trouble. All I'm saying is that what is done is done. If you didn't want it you should have told us before hand and we would of done it elsewhere. I agree there should be more guards. And I agree with Jeroxia, too many people get away with too much. But like I said what's done is done. If there should be RP repercussions then put a bounty on my character. His name is Elrohir Engem, but you're gonna have to find that out in RP.​


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Now, can we like, forget about this thread and move on, please?

It's making me sad :/



We demons of our solemn hour
That first line made cry.. get in trouble? They are humans not monsters. . Just be reasonable
If tib wants npc guards and you disagree. . Tell him and use good arguments instead of fearing them..
And if I would get in trouble for sharing my opinion. . I might as well leave the server. .
(But do not insult them. They don't like that)