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Suppliers! Erm.....Who?



My turn to rant, and complain about RP! Sorry people, but I have to ;)

Everyone must have some sort of weapon....mostly it's of steel. A sword, cutlass, axe, mace, ect ect.
Pistons! Everyone loves machines that move!
TNT, Boomsticks, dynamite! Our three best things that go 'boom'.
What about stonework? Most of Altera is made up of beautiful stonework.
And lets think about the Handcannon? If anyone has one, where would it come from?
In fact, where does ALL from above come from?

Well, lore and common sense say...
Stonework of dwarves are the best, since of their mining skills! Pistons? Dwarves are also the best for inventing and building things, either to help them mine or just common goods.
Things that go 'boom'? In lore, it says that only dwarves can handle gunpowder in such a unique was that does not blow themselves up.

So how do people run around with these things?
In minecraft, sure, do what you like. But in roleplay? You got to treat it like real life.
So next time you get asked something like 'Where did you make that sword?'
Say 'The dwarves made it for me' or something near the other.
Because....we small folk ain't on the server just for fun. That's only partly the reason.
We are well known for being craftsmen, miners and inventors.
But...there's no proof of that....since the shortage of dwarves on the server keep us from doing these things.
In the future, we at Yearnen hope to change Thraall, and to make new town(s), just to be better, stronger, and regain this lore.

I's not normal for an greyling to make a longsword.
Nor is it normal for a dwarf to make a bow.
So keep this in mind. Please.


We demons of our solemn hour
Hmm.. altera is speaking up.. B U tiful. .
I totally agree with your statement but:
Are there things like handcannons in altera?
Also. . Not just say the dwarfs made it for you.. why not go a step further. .
Actually rp the dwarves making it for you?


Hmm.. altera is speaking up.. B U tiful. .
I totally agree with your statement but:
Are there things like handcannons in altera?
Also. . Not just say the dwarfs made it for you.. why not go a step further. .
Actually rp the dwarves making it for you?
Handcannons, ARE allowed. I know this.

Well, we would RP it being made, IF people even showed up on dwarven fortresses doorsteps to even ASK for that.


We demons of our solemn hour
Handcannons, ARE allowed. I know this.

Well, we would RP it being made, IF people even showed up on dwarven fortresses doorsteps to even ASK for that.
Prepare for a jester visiting. . Soon enough. . He needs something to keep demons away


Lord of Altera
Somebody get the oil, the gates rusted shut it's been so long...

Also, I like it Wake, although there are human blacksmiths, the best work is meant to come from Dwarven Crafts as it says in the lore, soo, it would make sense to come to us for the best and I've only ever seen an RP like this once when it was between BLarg and Polo


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... Well, of course Dwarves are the best, but I agree with Seth. There're still plenty of Human and Elven metal-crafter-forgers....


Really? I have not seen any ._. the dwarves and lore says..
There's no better craftsmen, blacksmith, nor miner BETTER then a dwarven soul.


Any race can be a blacksmith... There are plenty of them. It's not just dwarves that work with metal. Also, wouldn't most swords be made from iron because a lot of people wouldn't be able to afford steel.


Any race can be a blacksmith... There are plenty of them. It's not just dwarves that work with metal. Also, wouldn't most swords be made from iron because a lot of people wouldn't be able to afford steel.

Haters gonna hate...
That's not the point of this thread. I'm just saying, that there IS blacksmiths, but I've not seen any.
Nor has any Blacksmith RP made anything (in my 7 months of roleplaying, I've not seen).
And lore, just a reminder, says the Dwarves are the best.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Well, I've RP'd actually getting a new sword after Blaze got shattered by Nwalme.

... And Nwalme's probably going to come back knowing at least a bit of blacksmithery next time I'm gone for some reason.


wakerman4 said:
Haters gonna hate...
That's not the point of this thread. I'm just saying, that there IS blacksmiths, but I've not seen any.
Nor has any Blacksmith RP made anything (in my 7 months of roleplaying, I've not seen).
And lore, just a reminder, says the Dwarves are the best.
wakerman4 said:
It's rare for any other race to have a Blacksmith.
I was refering to this.

2. After 11 months of roleplay I have never seen it either, which is why I did not disagree with it.

3. "haters gonna hate". Really? Hardly hating, not appreciated.



I was refering to this.
2. After 11 months of roleplay I have never seen it either, which is why I did not disagree with it.
3 "haters gonna hate". Really? Hardly hating, not appreciated.
Sorry, I was in a bad mood when you posted that...

Yeah, I wrote that wrong.
*goes to edit it*


wakerman4 said:
Sorry, I was in a bad mood when you posted that...

Yeah, I wrote that wrong.
*goes to edit it*
It's cool, sorry for the misinterpreted post....

Anyways... Rerail...


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Elven smithing is highly renowned for being light and nimble as the race it itself. Their blades are of a very high quality, though the chance of a human, or any other race for that matter owning one if very slim, and they don't come in ki- dwarven sizes.


Lord of Altera
Michcat's Caparii character is a blacksmith, I believe. To be honest, it's not an overly difficult thing to do. Being a dwarf doesn't mean you have a physiological advantage over any race when it comes to forging, excepting possibly Greylings and Halflings because they can't reach the forge. ;)

Handcannons? I have one of those. Shame my character sucks at using them, albeit a difficult weapon to master anyway.
Pretty much explains all you need to know about hand-cannons in the lore, I think. Not read it properly, so if there are any differences between this thread and other lore let a Loremaster know.

However, in terms of races that would actually bother to supply things, race traits in mind, I think the majority of races would most probably put a lot towards manufacturing as a whole. Excepting, like you've stated, to gunpowder, therefore a dwarf did most probably make my hand-cannon. I don't think Syrien export too many goods at the moment, though.

There's also location to take into account. Some places, for example the Nakam in that high place, will not very likely have access to certain materials. Perhaps the Dwarves are so well known as suppliers because they are so maneuverable in terms of mining and adventuring when supplies are needed. Along with their skill in things such as redstone and gunpowder, I doubt they'd have any trouble getting anywhere.

Diversity amongst the forging skills(and other supply retrieving/making) of races is however, going to be slightly different. Due to racism and inequality, I doubt most races would want to share anything with each other. Thus, each become completely different at what they do. For example, dwarves are rubbish at making bows. Because they've never been given help from the elves, they[elves] keep a constant upper hand with bows in the question. However, dwarves then shall then not share any tips on how to make wonderful armour or use gunpowder properly.

Ergo, neither race will be able to properly develop and Dwarves will always be awful bowmen, but each race still hold an individual skill in which they prosper and can use to their advantage.

To conclude, all the different races can supply things, there are just a lot of exceptions and contingencies.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Waker, you raise a good point, there should be at least a couple more people on the server that know how to craft these kinds of items, but in my case, a dwarf taught me how to make my sword... Sooo yeah, loophole :p


Lord of Altera
Waker, you raise a good point, there should be at least a couple more people on the server that know how to craft these kinds of items, but in my case, a dwarf taught me how to make my sword... Sooo yeah, loophole :p
...Impossibru, Dwarves do not share their knowledge :I
Also, most Dwarves have at least a Journeyman level of Smithing, due to their state-funded education