Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Suppliers! Erm.....Who?


Lord of Altera
Just adding on, Abel, who I'm pretty sure you've met on numerous occasions crafted every one of Erlewis' swords...


Just adding on, Abel, who I'm pretty sure you've met on numerous occasions crafted every one of Erlewis' swords...
Yes, yes, yes.
I think we've all established that their are blacksmiths.

But even s blacksmith cannot make Boomsticks.
Only dwarves can.


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Yes, yes, yes.
I think we've all established that their are blacksmiths.

But even s blacksmith cannot make Boomsticks.]
Only dwarves can.
I think I understand what you have been trying to say, Wake.
You are trying to say that only certain races can make certain things.
But another way to look at that point is this: Every race is entitled to create their own set of swords for example, but those of Dwarven make would be of better general quality. The same would go with Elven bows.

And a lot of you would then be like "Well, a Dwarf taught me" but answer me this, how many Dwarves would be willing to part with the knowledge their race keeps so very secret?..

Is that what you are trying to say, Wake?


Jane of all Trades
Retired Staff
I think the general idea of looking deeper into the lore and incorporating it into our RP is a great one, however it needs to be done. How I interrupted your message, Wake, was that people should be taking the time to make and RP with characters who are specialists in their areas, or have a skill set unique to their race. Instead of people just crafting their own OOC and making up random stories for their creation. This would be a lovely opportunity in my opinion for some more realistic RP that goes more into the crafting and making of not just weapons and armor, but food, potions, etc...daily task RP and Lore RP are both just as beneficial in my eyes as the more intense, earth moving RP that tends to take place more frequently.

Anyway that's how I saw your message, and I think any ideas that aim to improve making RP deeper and more meaningful are great and should be thought about :D