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Plans to deal with the corruption. -fairly important-


Lord of Altera
Whilst the corruption may not be in the northern kingdoms yet, i believe it is time to begin planning options and more realistic, potentially more crazy plans to deal with it.

The times of burning bridges and fleeing will no longer work, the corruption and queen grief are relentless, we need to think of something better than. "oh it's okay we can just retreat for now" which has actually been working so far, but ant this is a large but;

What happens when there is nowhere else to retreat too, do we simply fall, or think of a way to rise up before the end? we all know that it has been sighted in the southern wilds and the eastern frontier, it is only a matter of time until it reaches the northern kingdoms and what then?

We shouldn't have to keep fleeing, there has to be a way to stop it, or render it dormant, or... something other than run away, we need to be quite frank, anything really...

i hope something is thought up before something like that bellow can occur, we still have time.

( Thread guidelines,try keep it on the thread, kindly don't derail, and think of ideas that might work, time is of the essence.)


Lord of Altera
Options list. (and who suggested it)
Find the cube from the old exodus and exploit its secrets. -benijim​
-that option could be viable, the corruption brought it, maybe it could be turned against it or perhaps it could be used as a shield against it?

The silver militia could return - benijim... again.

Basil would council everyone to find a high mountain somewhere, build countless defences, and make a last stand. -Blargh

Nwalme would just not care, and only fight or flee depending on the actual leaders' decisions. He realizes that his opinion means almost nill. -blargh... again.

Made pretty much the same thread during the age of the Gypsy camp, now I feel sad that I am not credited for being the first attempt at the solution... Oh, FYI to the of the thread, in my thread, somehow the people brought up an entire conversation of an Ion cannon that could destroy the world and the corruption, and how the something would be unstable anyhow. Good luck keeping the community on track, and I suggest: Shooting it. And Shooting it some more. -jakedology

I say be kill all da Darkbloods and demons. Without her servants, Grief will have a much harder time conquering Altera. -silvetread

Shall... I spread the... corruption.. over all... of you... -queen greif ... oh crud...

What about all the powers unite, and forget about their problems with them, doesn't matter if they are enemies, nor allies, They could all be a large team and surely they won't get slaughtered fast. -sir andrew wallins

what if we corrupt the corruption into something we can use against itself, the gypsy camp where the corruption burst through, the connection was cut and that corruption rendered dormant. Pervert the unholy corruption with holy magic or something and set it against queen grief? -duncaniax


Loyal Servant of Altera
It was a black Obsidian cube that the corruption carried through the portal from the old world just before it was closed. It then disappeared somewhere...


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... Basil would council everyone to find a high mountain somewhere, build countless defences, and make a last stand.

Nwalme would just not care, and only fight or flee depending on the actual leaders' decisions. He realizes that his opinion means almost nill. :p


Lord of Altera
Made pretty much the same thread during the age of the Gypsy camp, now I feel sad that I am not credited for being the first attempt at the solution... Oh, FYI to the of the thread, in my thread, somehow the people brought up an entire conversation of an Ion cannon that could destroy the world and the corruption, and how the something would be unstable anyhow. Good luck keeping the community on track, and I suggest: Shooting it. And Shooting it some more.


Options list. (and who suggested it)
Find the cube from the old exodus and exploit its secrets. -benijim​
-that option could be viable, the corruption brought it, maybe it could be turned against it or perhaps it could be used as a shield against it?
I know where the Black Cube is...
No. I don't think that will work.
And I know where it is OOC, not RP, and I shall not Meta-Game ;)

I say be kill all da Darkbloods and demons. Without her servants, Grief will have a much harder time conquering Altera.
I like this.


coolblox said:
You know... The corruption is already in the NK. Harlaus has evidence of corruption right under their feet...
Have you checked that's ok with the lore people?


Lord of Altera
Ask it whether it has a legal, written permission to spread. Should it lack one, we can prohibit further spreading.