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Plans to deal with the corruption. -fairly important-


Lord of Altera
What about all the powers unite, and forget about their problems with them, doesn't matter if they are enemies, nor allies, They could all be a large team and surely they won't get slaughtered fast.


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
What about all the powers unite, and forget about their problems with them, doesn't matter if they are enemies, nor allies, They could all be a large team and surely they won't get slaughtered fast.
We've tried that approach before. We fled during the Exodus.


Lord of Altera
what if we corrupt the corruption into something we can use against itself, the gypsy camp where the corruption burst through, the connection was cut and that corruption rendered dormant. Pervert the unholy corruption with holy magic or something and set it against queen grief?


Lord of Altera
wow... we are terrible aren't we?

but the grief derail ends here, back to the topic on how are we going to deal with the corruption?


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Shall... I spread the... corruption.. over all... of you...
You will be met by the steely resistance of the Golden Crusade and it's allies!
We will not rest until you are defeated and all those you have enslaved are freed from their torture!


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
The Corruption is impossible to escape from. It has chased us this far, destroying everything along its path already!


Loyal Servant of Altera
Science! Take samples of the old tentacles at gypsy and find out what its made of... And i dont just mean netherrack...


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Science! Take samples of the old tentacles at gypsy and find out what its made of... And i dont just mean netherrack...
I call sending Professor Dav'id of the Engem Tribe to the site, he would know best of this matter.
I will personally guard him myself.


The Kingdom Crusher
I call sending Professor Dav'id of the Engem Tribe to the site, he would know best of this matter.
I will personally guard him myself.
I'd come, but I doubt I could do anything >.> Also, I've sort of retired from the tribe, focusing on politics, science and medicine ;3


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
*picks up his sword*
Leave the fighting to me, you just get the samples and find a way to kill this thing!