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Maid and Butler wanted


Carpet Monkey
Lord and Lady Elumeril are seraching for a Butler and Maid, to aid them in their Mannor.

even though the description is Maid and Butler, both would be most certainly more then that, being accepted into the family and the house, being a part of our live. The pay is room to live, all daily needs and if something is needed it can be talked if that can be bought.

what we want:

-being actually female
-human, elf or nakam
-good with kids, able to handle a household
-nice, calm character

-any gender accepted
-all races but greylings and syren *ghosts included*
-can fight (or wants to learn to, trained by me)
-more calm then furious (think about english butlers ;) )

The Maid will help Lady Elumeril mostly, tend to the kids and basically take a burden of us watching out for all of them. having 8 children realy is much work :D she can also do some "classical" maid rp's like cleaning the mannor and all that. a marry poppins character would be lovely to rp with :D

The Butler will do some rough work like chopping wood for the fireplace, tending to the animals and such things. He also helps defending if needed and can be used as an official servent when Lord Menelmacil or Lady Eala have official buisness to attend to. If he is a realy good figther he would also function as a personal guard.

thats about it i would say =) will be happy to see some applications =)


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Perhaps you could add an application template for applicants to fill out?

(Side Note: *bump*)

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
I love the idea, this could be a really good chance for some rp that both involves axes and not murder, but unless you want a butler that will outlive your house, I think il decline :p


Carpet Monkey
*adds ghost to possible races*

and no cherry ;) we all here are happy rp-people :p i tust that everyone that wants the job is creative enough to show so :D


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
*adds ghost to possible races*

and no cherry ;) we all here are happy rp-people :p i tust that everyone that wants the job is creative enough to show so :D
Happy RP is always good. :p

(Psst... That was yet another super sneaky *bump* for your thread! ;) )


Carpet Monkey
I love the idea, this could be a really good chance for some rp that both involves axes and not murder, but unless you want a butler that will outlive your house, I think il decline :p
well ghosts are welcome now :D cloud already rescued Menelmacils live so i don't see why he can't take the position ;) with a ghost, family butler gets a whole new meaning too :D

*300 years from now*

Lord Elumeril: "Cloud always had tended to the kids, and always will"
soon to be Lady Elumeril: "oh, so is it a butlerfamily with a long history serving the Elumerils?"
Lord Elumeril: " just"

Happy RP is always good. :p

(Psst... That was yet another super sneaky *bump* for your thread! ;) )

maybe you want to be the maid? :p


Carpet Monkey
Hm... I'm tempted to make an application, how would you feel about a professor being a butler? :p

hmmmm, less a figther but more... a teacher for the children. actually i like that cause men for the rough work can be found anywhere ;-) we should rp that, i like the idea :D


The Kingdom Crusher
hmmmm, less a figther but more... a teacher for the children. actually i like that cause men for the rough work can be found anywhere ;-) we should rp that, i like the idea :D
Sweet! :D Do mind though, the professor is sort of an MMA fighter mixed with a alchemist, and he did build a large part of The City of Stone (Aeroch Nor) ;3


Carpet Monkey
<.< i didn't get any more allerts <.<

whyyy, i demand my lost time back naow

no, just apply =) the kids need some education <.<

Meh, I'll make an application. Any template I should follow..?
btw, do you already have a house? as you build the biggest part of a town i think i don't need to ask if you need a home :p


Magus of Nothing
... Why not?

Character Name:
Darke Zanros Hawklight
(Rest of char profile here; Darke Zanros Hawklight)

Reason why he wants the job:
Darke currently has no stable positition anywhere. He sees this job as a chance to educate the children in an honourable way, in both weaponry, speach and manner. He also sees it as a chance to meet new people, he currently knows very few people. After meeting Lord Elumeril in Port Silver, he heard of this job opening and as he had no other obligations, decided to 'sign up'.

What he's got going for him:
A Hawklight's education, he can speak fluent Elvish and Common. He has skills with the mace and shield, but can also teach sword combat and other things. The less interesting subjects of mathematics, the sciences and the history of Altera are also well within his grasp, although he is no expert. He will fiercely protect the children if this house is attacked and will serve with absolute loyalty.

OOC Note:
Darke is -very- different from Drake, as you will see if you RP with him. I also wanted some way to connect with this amazing group of Rpers with a new RP character on the horizon. I miss you guys already :(


Carpet Monkey
uuuffff, well that was a surprise :D

Well i already got to know that Darke is the son of Drake. Drake is..okay well was...the most hated person by Eala and got a pretty high position in Menelmacils list as well. That will be most likely the most interesting rp of the week :D Darke would have to be realy convincing and devoted to proof himself.

I must say all three of you guys look verry interesting (well three if ghosts application wasn't a joke :p )

hmmm...i would say, best suited for buttler would definately be Ghost. he just feels right in that position without debasing him. i think he is one of the few persons on this server that can be still a 'great' person while 'just' being a servant ;)

But that doesn't mean i would turn the other two down =) house Elumeril is still growing and with so many children...the more 'teacher' and Guardians the better. Also Darke seems to be a decent figther and guards for the family never can be enough. recently our island became some sort of new central for RP it seems :D

i would love an application from ghost and golden, but we also can already rp it out ;) oh and ofc that was an accepted for Darke :p see you ingame ;)


Magus of Nothing
I'll be there... Ill also turn up asking for the job, not already got it.


The Kingdom Crusher
<.< i didn't get any more allerts <.<

whyyy, i demand my lost time back naow

no, just apply =) the kids need some education <.<

btw, do you already have a house? as you build the biggest part of a town i think i don't need to ask if you need a home :p
I do already have a political house, and some homes in other cities. But, would it be alright for some kind of study? Also, I'll RP with you next time we're both online/not busy :p