Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Maid and Butler wanted


Carpet Monkey
I do already have a political house, and some homes in other cities. But, would it be alright for some kind of study? Also, I'll RP with you next time we're both online/not busy :p
hmmm, maybe we will give you a room or small hut, so you have somewhere to educate....or maybe.....hmmmmm

let me talk to laura, but maybe we could make a classroom or even a small school =)


The Kingdom Crusher
hmmm, maybe we will give you a room or small hut, so you have somewhere to educate....or maybe.....hmmmmm

let me talk to laura, but maybe we could make a classroom or even a small school =)
Just for the record, I invented the hut. Before I was even born too, I invented it. Just ask Waker!n:p


sparkles emoji
Ermahgerd. Hypercreative idea.
So, since Kairo and and Menel are pretty good friends, I can really imagine Kairo popping up once in a while and teach your children. Y'know, like this:
Kairo: *Steps off the small sailboat and walks towards the gate, then knocks* 'Ulloooooo~? Anybody home?
One of your children looks over the fence, then shouts: Daaaaaddy! Mooooommy! There's a weird guy at the gate!
Menel comes looking, then shouts out of joy: Kairo! Come in!
Kairo walks in, talks a bit with Menel and Eala, the comes dinner time. . .
Kairo: I hope my visit doesn't disturb you!
Menel or Eala: Oh no no no! Very appreciated! We're glad to see you like the place!
-Indeed! Anyways, *pats his full stomach* how 'bout I tell your children some stories, eh?
Children: Yaaaaay! Story time story time story time~!
-Now now, come, younglings...
Kairo tells stories and blahblahblah yaddayaddayadda about how he used to patrol the streets with Menel and the good old times.
I can really imagine Menelmacil inviting Kairo many days, the children considering me almost like part of the family. Calling me "Uncle Kairo" or something like that.
Maybe I'm a bit too creative. :confused:


Carpet Monkey
Ermahgerd. Hypercreative idea.
So, since Kairo and and Menel are pretty good friends, I can really imagine Kairo popping up once in a while and teach your children. Y'know, like this:
Kairo: *Steps off the small sailboat and walks towards the gate, then knocks* 'Ulloooooo~? Anybody home?
One of your children looks over the fence, then shouts: Daaaaaddy! Mooooommy! There's a weird guy at the gate!
Menel comes looking, then shouts out of joy: Kairo! Come in!
Kairo walks in, talks a bit with Menel and Eala, the comes dinner time. . .
Kairo: I hope my visit doesn't disturb you!
Menel or Eala: Oh no no no! Very appreciated! We're glad to see you like the place!
-Indeed! Anyways, *pats his full stomach* how 'bout I tell your children some stories, eh?
Children: Yaaaaay! Story time story time story time~!
-Now now, come, younglings...
Kairo tells stories and blahblahblah yaddayaddayadda about how he used to patrol the streets with Menel and the good old times.
I can really imagine Menelmacil inviting Kairo many days, the children considering me almost like part of the family. Calling me "Uncle Kairo" or something like that.
Maybe I'm a bit too creative. :confused:

that sounds like anotherone would like to take part in the best family rp on the server :D Kairo! ofc accepted! come visit me naaoooow!

wait...i am not online and you only on weekends....see you friday!


sparkles emoji
that sounds like anotherone would like to take part in the best family rp on the server :D Kairo! ofc accepted! come visit me naaoooow!

wait...i am not online and you only on weekends....see you friday!
Okee dokee! :D


Lord of Altera
Yay! Stories for Emrys and the others...
Even though Emrys might get bored of the stories... xD