Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Ack! Roleplay Stuff! Read! Noaw!



Here is a notice to help Roleplaying, make it a bit more enjoyable, for yourself and others. It involves using your mind, so lazy dwarves, read carefully.
Okay, I just want to point out that you are in control of your Roleplay character and what he/she does. This is of course, the reason I write this thread.
If you are told something on forums, such as 'you must fear demons' then read carefully.
This may be written wrong. 'You must fear demons' is a wrong way to turn, for if you were to start a roleplay in Port Silver, and a demon showed up....well.... of two things happens. You block him/her from Roleplay, which ruins there enjoyment, or you fear them and try to back away. Backing away may be good, but not much.
I notice, as I play on our fair server, that less and less people are using there own characters views. Name people, I shall not, but the message 'you must fear demons' must be altered like a spell in Witchcraft.
You can alter this to almost anything, that your character thinks. Instead of this statement, you could have 'you can be scared of demons if your not an Orphan assassin'.
What I'm trying to point out, is it's up to you, not us.
This also goes for all other races, not just demons.
Take the beloved syrien for example. Because you have been told to fear them, most people began hating and attacking Syrien. This is not right, and thankfully, has been stopped (I think).
If you are a fisher, a Syrie has every right to hate you. This does not mean the fisher has to hate the Syrien for hating him/her. Only because Syrien are different, and are strange to Roleplay with, this is no excuse to hate them.
Your Roleplay character's personality dictates if he/she likes the Syrien or not. You made up your character to play as, I'm sure you know what he/she thinks like. Do not let others tell you what to do, via forums.
Lets make one thing clear:
I am not telling you what to do.
I'm just pointing out, it would be strange for a Earthspawn to fall in love with a Halfling. We must think Roleplay like it was real life.
In real life, if someone you hate walks down the street, you would do one of which: ignore or make some sort of insult. If the person reacts, so would you. And do think in real terms. Where I am a peaceful (yet cheeky) person in real life, I would not fight, but rather make insults that the other wouldn't understand, making the person seem more like a fool.
In Roleplay, if a demon walked down the docks of Port Silver, you would do one of which: Ignore, back away scared, or insult him/her if you are brave enough. The demon might react, so would you. This may lead to a fight, or maybe you running off, because you don't want to get eaten by a demon. Because Gromm (my character) is brave and quite loyal to what he believes, he would try to stand his ground and insult the demon some more with insults, but not fight, because if the demon made one move, Gromm would attempt to run off, scared of being shot by lightning (again).
^ This is Roleplay.
But what I have noticed, is people doing this:
A demon walks down the docks of Port Silver, and sees three, maybe four 'Crafters' Roleplaying together. Maybe Cubey/Tavish/a demon player is bored, and needs Roleplay to cheer them up. The 'Crafters' would ignore the demon, or attempt to attack. And in rare cases, complain in OOC about "Barging into RP".
No. Please do not do this.
Only attack a demon if your Roleplay mind is set right. If you are Drake Hawklight, and hate demons, then it's understandable you would attempt to attack the demon, yet be scared of the demon.
If you are Alawn, a 3 year old boy, you would obviously be scared of the demon, run for help or run away in general.
Oguk, King of Earthspawns, would not fear the demon, for he works/worships the demons, as an Earthspawn king. These are all good Roleplay examples.
Yet, if you listen to forums ALL the time, everyone would react the same and block up the Merry Mead doors, blocking the demon from Roleplay, making the Player a little annoyed.
(Yes, I am using my wedding party as an example, but without the Merry Mead). This is the ther way to "Barging into Rp."​
A dwarf could easily Roleplay with an Earthspawn, or an elf, yet if you are Seth Jenkins, you would see every other race as a joke. But if you are Gromm Wake, you would see (nearly) all other races equal, just with different personality's, making unique friends.​
Take note of what your character would do in these situations, and make Roleplay better then usual. It would be normal for someone to drop out of RP, because they are entering a dark graveyard, and cannot go any further because it is dark, cold, and spooky.​
I am no good exception, because Gromm would listen to no one and march straight into the Graveyard, regretting it, but when Slade summons Zombies, he would use his Spade to defend himself.​
Take note of what you would do, either dropping out of having a unique skill with a bow and arrow, destroying the zombies.​
It's up to you.​
I create this thread, because at the after-party of Gromm and Raisa's wedding, demons showed up. Cubey confirmed that she was there for a simple fun RP, but everyone saw/heard a demon, and locked the doors, and blocked Cubes and Scardrac from Roleplay.​
I admit, it was funny at first....​
But as the screenshot below shows, Demons were locked out. Poor Scardrac.​
If we were to use our minds a little bit (not in an insulting way, sorry if you read that wrong) then you would find that the demons would've been let in, swords kept sheathed, and fun.​
Maybe some people, like Oguk, might'v welcomed them! (Like he did!)​
Others, like Menel, might'v scowled and grunted at them.​
Others will try to ignore, or are too scared to even interact, and carry on Roleplay!​
It it all down to you, in the end, and your choices. Try not to get worked up over nothing.​
Please keep this in mind.​
You do what you think is right in Altera. That's the joy of the server.​
And NO ONE is going to dictate what you do. If they do, I hope it's for Roleplay.​
Your friend, and possibly the epicest fail of a Moderator, ever. . .​

For more help on Roleplay, here are some helpful links:

Guide to Roleplaying

Jeroxia's Advanced Guide To RolePlaying

Hollowworld Wiki


Oh come on!
The picture is cute!
Inside, we have Gromm and Raisa, happily married, outside, we have Scardrac loving the glass!


What did you just say?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!?!!??!?!!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!


Lord of Altera
I said that Scardac is ugly and your thread is a piece of art that should be marvelled at its beauty, much like your new wife.


Carpet Monkey
i have to totally agree with waker here. deep stuff bro and my respect for writing so much and in such a detail. But i wouldn't be Menelmacil if i wouldn't have things to add (damn you philosophy studies! you ruined me! :D )

1. if there is a demon walking down Port Silver and you are in roleplay mode ofc you don't ignore him. I don't understand why ppl tend to forget that, but...tavish is the direct subordinate of grief....therefor scardrac is the direct subordinate of Tavish. maybe he has some own reasons and aims, buuut...he is a demon, come on^^ either you are on his side or against him, so hide, fight, run away...but ignoring seems to be the less acurate. well only if you are as migthy as him, but who could say that on this server? ;)

(small example. scar and kk argue, blocking the cathedrals entrance, i hide behind the fountain, ready to aid kk if needed. then a group of inquisitors and silvercloakcs comes along, recently arrested someone. polo is leading them and says "ignore the demon" so everyone just walks past him as if he is just another brave citizen. i could swear i saw some of them friendly noding at the lovely scene of scars claws in kk's face :p that ruined my immersion. Would have been enough for 2 guards to go along with the arrest and the other 3 guys helping us. it was a demon basically invading the church^^)

2. the example of Gromms weding ofc was something else. while it is indeed true that it was kind of rude blocking the demons rp....

if your char is killed every day in PS by a bandit and you have no chance to rp what you want to cause you are always recovering, reborn, strugeling to get better and then killed again...well then just ignore them. tell them ooc that you won't participate. as waker said, you are in controll of your char and as much as you have to look out for others fun in rp, they would have to look out or you too. if you don't have fun anymore, then stop, think why not and change the setting/circumstances.

I realy loved to be the Seargent of the Silvercloakcs and dedicated much time into it. But that didn't work for me. It was negative for my other rp's (being a father of a big family is indeed not that easy :p ) and dragged me down as i was always just reacting to others, almost never doing rp that i came up with. So i just stepped down.

And that wasn't just an ooc decision. Ofc your char would be burned out too! so there is nothing wrong with a change of setting. you won't loose your friends ingame ;)

3. change your main-locality from time to time. it will give you a nice change.

4. respect players grounds. If someone has his own little region and there are constantly ppl visiting, forcing him/her to do rp's, he can get annoyed over time. The most polite would be to ask for permission to enter rp when you enter someones region. that way the present persons/owners/residents can decide for themselfs if they are in the right state of mind or if there is a rp ongoing they don't want to be disturbed. After all, a players region is his/her save haven. And we don't want to force anyone leaving the server, do we? ;-)