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Advice for "Quiet" Characters


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Is your character quiet, shy, or reclusive?!
Are they anti-social, poor conversation starters, or do they just prefer being alone?!
This is the thread for you!

In a slightly mutilated nutshell, this thread is a "place" where you can swap ideas and methods for throwing the quieter characters headfirst into RP situations... Whether they like it or not.​
For example, my character, Faelin, is generally quite solitary, and that can sometimes make it a challenge to get involved in RPs that more sociable characters can simply waltz directly into. So, sometimes I have to rely on methods other than our classic: "Greetings, stranger!" in order to RP, and I am going to attempt to explain them somewhat logically for you below.​
One such method is to be sure to give detailed descriptions of your character's actions whilst you are silent. If what they are doing is of interest to other characters, somebody is bound to question them about it, or else comment on their actions; potentially starting a conversation.​
Another way to get involved is to pay attention to nearby RPs. If somebody else's character says, does, or implies something that might incite a reaction from your own - do not just ignore it.​
If they say something that your character finds offensive, you can always go for the good old *scowls*, *twitches irritably*, or indicate their annoyance in some other manner. Likewise, if your character overhears something of particular interest to them, don't just shift-click behind a wall - actually RP them taking an interest, and moving closer to listen. If they do not intend to be seen, it can be especially funny if they are discovered, forcing the character to either talk their way out of trouble, or to attempt to run away.​
These are the ones I use most often in order to RP with characters my own character has not met before, and - though they give varying degrees of success - they generally manage to get my character talking.​
I hope this was somewhat helpful, and if you have any more advice for the players of similar characters, please feel free to throw it all into the comments box.​


King ForumStalker
Clumsiness is always a good one if you literally want to dive headfirst into an rp.

*Faelin sees a large group of people and tries to avoid them, unfortunately tripping on a large, raised cobble and falling into [Insert nearest character here]*


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Clumsiness is always a good one if you literally want to dive headfirst into an rp.
I have tried this before, and to amusing results... I believe the time in question she was hiding from someone and snapped a branch underfoot. :p

I do try to avoid using it excessively though, as it can get a bit annoying.


Lord of Altera

You say your character wants to listen in, and don't be seen..And need to type in rp he/she gets closer..

I've had a few meta's on that..
Sorry, just pointing out..


Lord of Altera
There is indeed a sense that tells you where things are around you, as explained in a charlieissocoollike video.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff

You say your character wants to listen in, and don't be seen..And need to type in rp he/she gets closer..

I've had a few meta's on that..
Sorry, just pointing out..
Do you mean when people spot characters when they would not have realistically?
Yes, it happens, people do meta-game. But this is unavoidable, and the only thing you can do about it is try to explain that it just is not realistic.
Similarly, people should not eavesdrop if they don't want their character to be caught on occasion.


We demons of our solemn hour
Thoughts. .. thoughts indicate that you wish to join rp..
Even though you can't meta about them. . You can just rp around to it to let the silent character on


The original mute
Profession has an impact too. For example Xenai (one of the quiter people on the server :p) is a musician. And I've had some great roleplays where I've started playing an instrument. Another way is for your character to get angry about something that they are highly opiniated on. For example my child character Lucina is scared of all male legged (except Nakam cause she's never seen one) and so she yells at them to shut up, and go away. Or in her words "be quit and go way". You've also got the classic side remark, Xeenal has some good examples of this, where he'll be leaning on a fence listening to a conversation, and when someone says something he either disagrees with, or if he wants to cause trouble, he'll remark on what they've said,


I have a great way for everyone! Be narcoleptic, and fall asleep while on a roof;)
Good idea xD

I can remember an RP where a woman randomly went on a roof, then fainted while on it.
In reality, how does one simply get onto a roof?
Your char. must be a good freerunner, jumper, or even a good acrobatic (like Gromm, level 165 acrobatic skill, yeah!) to even get ONTO a roof in Port Silver.


The original mute
Xenai is (for some unspecified reason) a good free runner. Can have funny results if he falls asleep sometimes.