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Role-Play Hotspots


The Kingdom Crusher
Depends. For the Engems, it's the fire at Bwonoswaicri. For anyone in Aeroch Nor, it's usually the guild base or the fountain outside it.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Places I often stumble into RPs...
The Stormhold Gates - Had some amusing RPs there... Usually involving bandits, admittedly. :p


The Mogul of Cromarcky
Riddleport has had a dramatic increase in roleplay recently, thanks in part to the new mercenary guild that popped up there.


Lord of Altera
Gemstone Isles' are pretty good... Unfortunately we've formed some pretty tight bonds and created a bit of a clique, I guess you could say. But still, we try to be as welcoming as possible! :D


Lord of Altera
*everyone decides to advertise their town here*

Genuinely, the Elumeril Estate has a lot of RP. If not RP, then people such as Menelmacil and his friends will be building on another islay, but will be happy to RP. :)

Otherwise, Lady Eala Elumeril will be looking after her children at the mansion.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
*everyone decides to advertise their town here*
I would not say advertise... But the fact I live in Stormhold would probably contribute to the fact that I know it's gates are often a place where people RP. :p


The Court Jester
Retired Staff

..."It's" is possessive, but since it is merely a pronoun both forms are appropriate.

Albeit "its" is more common, it never fails to annoy me. ;)


Lord of Altera
Personally, most hotspots outside of PS just belong to groups of formers who form closer and are hard to get into...
I'd have to say Gypsy Camp was a good RP Hotspot and Gemstone Isles when I used to go there


Lord of Altera
...RP hotspots....that depends on the kind of RP you are looking' for.

Abbey, if you ever have a hankering for some good ol' fashion slave labor, call me. *writes number on a ripped piece of paper from a phonebook* Call me!


Lord of Altera
This thread needs to be renamed to "Thread of shameless advertising" :p
I wouldn't agree with that. :p
Mainly sayin' Abbey here was asking for locations that might possibly have RP. It isn't advertising really, but it does give a good general idea of towns that are 'active'. Yesterday, I went exploring and came across a town completely deserted, owned by a banned member. :)