Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The New Okeanos Name?


Lord of Altera
With the upcoming 'new' world, I've been planning to have Okeanos collapse. (Note: The new world's player discussion was here. We will be having another world soonish, but anyways! :p) I need a new name to write some 'Towny' lore on. I don't exactly know what to name it though. Help?

Maybe: Valmoor?

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
abbeyvie said:
It shall fall with the old world. ;)
We'll be building a new town. I'm collecting supplies now!
In that case, you need to start taxing me again! There will be the day when I walk into the new-keanos and place a chair down, so that I may fish once more :p