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[Islands] The Gemstone Isles


Lord of Altera
*Subtly slide a few words in here*
A long while ago, if I remember corectly, he told he would not like to be the owner of a region because he would not make a good leader, might be wrong, but that's something I'm pretty sure he once told me.

I would suggest to give a use to the reunion table in the manor, get most of the citizens of the Isles in there and vote whatever needs to be done, since that's the closest thing to what I was doing; anything, but only the best in favor of the Isles.


Lord of Altera
I guess being democratic would be a good idea, but we still need a rp leader. Which will be somebody to always be there and to give out tours to the newbs...

Lemarc you were great with tours, what's your secret?


Lord of Altera
Just show the main things around both isles with a short description of them, then ask them to go out by themselve to find a suitable place for a home, that's how I did it. ;)


Lord of Altera
Just show the main things around both isles with a short description of them, then ask them to go out by themselve to find a suitable place for a home, that's how I did it. ;)
Ok, I'll just copy paste that to Wakey our new tourguide/figurehead (rp) leader.


1.Minecraft name:Tkam19
2.Roleplay name:Alyan
3.Roleplay age:22
4.Roleplay race: Elf
5.What can you bring to the Isles: (Are you usefull to town progress by opening a store, or having a farm for emample, just want a home, or maybe something else?) I am a farmer or blacksmith but really I just want a home
6:Why do you want to join the Isles:It seems like a lovely peaceful place where I can prosper


Lord of Altera
1.Minecraft name:Tkam19
2.Roleplay name:Alyan
3.Roleplay age:22
4.Roleplay race: Elf
5.What can you bring to the Isles: (Are you usefull to town progress by opening a store, or having a farm for emample, just want a home, or maybe something else?) I am a farmer or blacksmith but really I just want a home
6:Why do you want to join the Isles:It seems like a lovely peaceful place where I can prosper

Ok just one more question, what time zone are you in?

We're having a slight leadership problem right now but I think I'll go ahead an accept you as I'm the origional co-owner.


Loyal Servant of Altera
1.Minecraft name: Benijim
2.Roleplay name: Bronn Silverian
3.Roleplay age: 20
4.Roleplay race: Human
5.What can you bring to the Isles: (Are you useful to town progress by opening a store, or having a farm for example, just want a home, or maybe something else?) I want a farm! I'll gladly make it myself if needs be!
6:Why do you want to join the Isles: My character needs somewhere to get away from it all when not on duty or fighting the corruption.


Lord of Altera
1.Minecraft name: Benijim
2.Roleplay name: Bronn Silverian
3.Roleplay age: 20
4.Roleplay race: Human
5.What can you bring to the Isles: (Are you useful to town progress by opening a store, or having a farm for example, just want a home, or maybe something else?) I want a farm! I'll gladly make it myself if needs be!
6:Why do you want to join the Isles: My character needs somewhere to get away from it all when not on duty or fighting the corruption.

I'm not quite sure if Lemarc's coming back yet, cause it might have been an April Fool... but I'll accept you just in case he's not coming back. :)


Legend of Altera
1.Minecraft name: Chico_genre

2. Roleplay name: Jackson Maldive

3. Roleplay age:18

4. Roleplay race: Human

5.What can you bring to the Isles:(Are you useful to town progress by opening a store, or having a farm for example, just want a home, or maybe something else?) I can provide help to those who need work done, I could also open a shop and sell ores, metal or other random things and such if allowed to do so.

6. Why do you want to join the Isles? I wish to join because even though, I would rather live in a desert and island is what I have also wanted to live on, plus its away from the chaos of the world.


Lord of Altera
1.Minecraft name: Epicsauce4000
2.Roleplay name: Aelfraed Aland ( Wise Councillor bright as the sun is what that means)
3.Roleplay age: 31
4.Roleplay race: Human
5.What can you bring to the Isles: I could bring building skill or create a wheat farm of melon farm i am a keen farmer in Minecraft and also a keen builder i can never chose which one to do.
6:Why do you want to join the Isles: I need a town to stay at and i heard about this one and i love the idea of it its so nice and peaceful and great place for me to start.



Lord of Altera
1.Minecraft name: Depressed_Monkey
2.Roleplay name:Rakur Ardinhu
3.Roleplay age: 24
4.Roleplay race: Human
5.What can you bring to the Isles: I'm hoping to open up blacksmith, to rpovide chandeliers, swords, armour etc.
6:Why do you want to join the Isles: Epicsauce???? (Alfraeda) Invitedme tojoin, and it looked really amazing, so I wanted tojoin.


Lord of Altera
1.Minecraft name:Mskathie32
2.Roleplay name:Jessica
3.Roleplay age:14
4.Roleplay race:Traveler
5.What can you bring to the Isle:(Are you usefull to town progress by opening a store, or having a farm for emample, just want a home, or maybe something else?) I can opening a store,with a farm,and i would like a house also
6:Why do you want to join the Isles:I want to join the isles because,i think it would be a nice place to stay and how the isles are just beautiful and would make a great home for my charater Jessica


Lord of Altera
1.Minecraft name: Sakura_4000
2.Roleplay name: Elizabeth
3.Roleplay age: 18
4.Roleplay race: Human
5.What can you bring to the Isles: I can make a pumpkin, melon, wheat, and possible a carrot farm. Once I get enough supplies I can make a shop.
6:Why do you want to join the Isles: I want a home where it doesn't get reset & I just recently visited the gemstone isles. It looked beautiful! I'd love to live there and Im sure id be able to help out around the isles!


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
I'm afraid the Isles will be lost in the Exodus..