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The Volonwer


Carpet Monkey
~loyal ones~​
“If by my life or death I can protect you, I will. ”​
He stood ontop of the Gatetower at Thars Deep, on Islay and watched the Sky. In the north-east a big bulwark of dark clouds, the southeast grey and creeping closer, the west covered in mist and loss. The tiny blue and sunny spot in which Islay resides shrinking more and more. A frown starts to apear in his face but suddenly a horn breaks the silence and with a single ray of light the sun bathes Islay in warmth and hope. A smile starts in his face to the marching sound of his troops...
link for more fanfiction about the Volonwer -> <click me>
Altera is changing and if for the better is still to be decided. The Lands reek of war, misstrust and the evil doing of all sorts of demons and bandits. In all this the house Elumeril rises, trying to keep peace in it's and it's allys lands but for that we need you! The Volonwer are Guards of house Elumeril but also an own organisation, lead by their breathtaking Lady: Lady Eala Elumeril of Taureadel.
It is devided into 3 branches, the Paladins, the Hooded and the Mists.
The paladins are the heavy armored center of attentionon the battlefield and excellent Guards. Using their choice of weapon and the best armor possible they bring havoc to the enemy, making up for their lack of speed in sheer power and force.
The Hooded are both good archers and light armored swordsmen. Is it from high above, aiming carefully at the enemy, or laying down in an ambush in the forrests, the Hooded attack from all sides and hold the flanks in battle. They are worthy ranged guards and quick to follow bandits.​
The mists are even a secret to the highest ranks of the Volonwer. Any warrior, showing special skills, soon can find himself assigned to them, working on missions only known to the leading commanders.​
Inside the Volonwer there are many ranks, for every member to climb and to decide on their own future.​
Introductory level for all new recruits. They are the frontline soldiers. If you prove yourself worthy you are prompted to squire if we are in need of them.​
The squire is assistant to their Knight, there are equal number of Squires to Knights. The Squires will provide for their Knight but are not to be treated as slaves. Any taskes carried out by the Squire is to be treated as a friendly favor and not a command. The Squire will fight in combat but their priority is not to fight, but to serve and learn.​
To become a Knight an existing Knight is to be granted seniority and so their Squire takes their place and may choose from a worthy Initiate to become their own Squire. The Knight is an elite soldier sworn by oath to protect the Volonwer and those of house Elumeril and their allys.​
Senior Knight
A Senior Knight is the most senior rank attainable to soldiers who are not sanctified by the the commanders.​
Knight Commander
The Knight Commander is the commander of all non-sanctioned units. The Knight commander answers only to a fellow Commander. The Knight Commander is to keep all his soldiers well maintained and ready for combat at all times.​
A Paladin/Hooded is the creation of Senior Knights who have taken vows and who have been personally chosen by the Paladin/Hooded Lord to train to become part of an elite fellowship. There are very few Paladins/Hooded due to such high standards of training.​
Paladin/Hooded Commander
A Paladin/Hooded Commander is the Senior rank of Paladins/Hooded . The commanders are veterans of previous wars and crusades. They are to guide the Paladins/Hooded in all ways that they can.​
Paladin/Hooded Lord
The Paladin/Hooded Lord is in command of all militant units. They answer only to the high Elder. They have a say in how the Order works and along with the Knight Commanders are responsible for the upkeep of the safegrounds.​
(Ranksystem Provided by ArphenionBe and Phycotank. Thanks a lot guys!)
What do the Volonwer do?
The Volonwer are both, the guards of house Elumeril and any allys that accept them in the alliances treaty, and an organisation fighting for the belives of house Elumeril: a safe and peacefull altera, making it a place where all our children can live, untouched by demons, bandits and dirty politics by powerseeking individuals.​
Open organisation or troops of house Elumeril. Where is the final loyality?
In the end, all Volonwer answer to the High Elder, who always is the Lord (or Lady) of house Elumeril. Current High Elder is Lord Menelmacil Elumeril, though they are lead by Lady Eala Elumeril due to recent happenings.​
What about positions like Blacksmithes, company-cooks and such?
Ofcourse these roles need positioning too and any figther that is able to fill in one of those, despite being 'just' a figther is welcome. But all civil personal that is needed will be hired by house Elumeril itself​
Where is the HQ?
It is the fortress Thars Deep, on the mountaintop of Islay, having room for many men and women.​
Can i join without being part of Elumeril/Elumerils Allys?
everyone is able to join, but as the final loyality is with house Elumeril, 'outsiders' have a lesser chance on being promoted to higher ranks, that need great trust.​
Where would i live, if i don't have already a home somewhere?
Thars Deep has enough residential quarters for every soldier​
Character Name:​
Character Age:​
Character Gender:​
desired branch:​
fighting ability (out of 10 and short description if wanted):​
noble house you belong to:​
short character description:​
-High Elder and Lord Menelmacil Elumeril of Islay​
Edit on request, the Volonwer are not gender specific! battlemaidens are welcome!


Lord of Altera

The mists are even a secret to the highest ranks of the Volonwer. Any warrior, showing special skills, soon can find himself assigned to them, working on missions only known to the leading commanders.
. . .

*looks at his name*
Seems legit..

EDIT: No, seriously, this looks awesome, good job..


is Barken
Character Name: Gelyk Dormus
Character Age: 39
Character Gender: Male
desired branch: Paladin
fighting ability (out of 10 and short description if wanted): I'd say, quite honestly, atleast a 8. Gelyk is skilled with a blade, and also with magic.
noble house you belong to: Heir to House Dormus.
short character description: Gelyk is a large man. 6'7, and 240 pounds in all. Most of it muscle, apparently.
Gelyk is a warrior-mage. He uses both spells and a blade, an odd combination, I know. But he finds it useful to have both. He has short, dark brown hair. He wears blue armored robes and carries his staff at all times, and "V" his blade on his hip. Gelyk is a experience mage, skilled in most fields, and is 7th echelon.


Carpet Monkey
Character Name: Gelyk Dormus
Character Age: 39
Character Gender: Male
desired branch: Paladin
fighting ability (out of 10 and short description if wanted): I'd say, quite honestly, atleast a 8. Gelyk is skilled with a blade, and also with magic.
noble house you belong to: Heir to House Dormus.
short character description: Gelyk is a large man. 6'7, and 240 pounds in all. Most of it muscle, apparently.
Gelyk is a warrior-mage. He uses both spells and a blade, an odd combination, I know. But he finds it useful to have both. He has short, dark brown hair. He wears blue armored robes and carries his staff at all times, and "V" his blade on his hip. Gelyk is a experience mage, skilled in most fields, and is 7th echelon.
accepted. we will finish the rp the next days, when the situations calmed a bit :p


Loyal Servant of Altera
Awesome thread about this Menelmacil, just wondering seeing as there's so many ranks i didn't know about, which rank am i? i'm the squire of Arphenion but he's a paladin right? so he'd be higher than knight so yeah, i'm ocnfused tbh of which rank i am, thanks!


Carpet Monkey
Awesome thread about this Menelmacil, just wondering seeing as there's so many ranks i didn't know about, which rank am i? i'm the squire of Arphenion but he's a paladin right? so he'd be higher than knight so yeah, i'm ocnfused tbh of which rank i am, thanks!

low numbers require compromises ;) you are squire, as there are no knights you have the honor to be his squire ;)


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Character Name: Nwalme Fuvur the Silvertooth
Character Age: Seventeen naming days.
Character Gender: Male.
desired branch: Ranger, probably, but Nwalme's in it for the glory and the authority. He'll try to climb the ranks as quickly as possible.
fighting ability (out of 10 and short description if wanted): Eight. You could describe Nwalme as an honorless fighter. He uses a mix of a Florentine style of fighting, and street fighting. Which is kicking groins, ripping off ears, shoving noses into faces, and sticking your finger into your adversary's eye socket.
noble house you belong to: Technically, none. But the vast majority of his friends are in Arduin.
short character description: Six foot eleven, not quite an Elven Arnold yet, but very, very muscular. Rather fast, it would never due to think of Nwalme as slow.... Honestly, it won't do to try to describe his physical self right at the time of this post. Since that, right now, he's trying to find Lathan and get himself healed. Since that he lacks an arm, and is horribly scarred- everywhere.


Carpet Monkey
Where am I in all this? I assume I'm somewhere. are kind of out of the category tbh. yes you are part of the Volonwer, but not realy inside the ranks :3

as you are my squire, you are going down the route for actual(noble) Knighthood. considering that you most likely will be promoted to either Senior Knight, or maybe even to Paladin/Ranger. depends on you, how you acted and all. would be some kind of extra reward in addition to the Knighthood :p

Character Name: Nwalme Fuvur the Silvertooth
Character Age: Seventeen naming days.
Character Gender: Male.
desired branch: Ranger, probably, but Nwalme's in it for the glory and the authority. He'll try to climb the ranks as quickly as possible.
fighting ability (out of 10 and short description if wanted): Eight. You could describe Nwalme as an honorless fighter. He uses a mix of a Florentine style of fighting, and street fighting. Which is kicking groins, ripping off ears, shoving noses into faces, and sticking your finger into your adversary's eye socket.
noble house you belong to: Technically, none. But the vast majority of his friends are in Arduin.
short character description: Six foot eleven, not quite an Elven Arnold yet, but very, very muscular. Rather fast, it would never due to think of Nwalme as slow.... Honestly, it won't do to try to describe his physical self right at the time of this post. Since that, right now, he's trying to find Lathan and get himself healed. Since that he lacks an arm, and is horribly scarred- everywhere.


we have no problems with Arduin, actually we haven't realy spoken with them on a political basis at all and regarding your "He'll try to climb the ranks as quickly as possible." i like that. cause as i am in charge, you will just be promoted if you do some damn good work and i need ppl like that :D taking some load off my shoulders ;)

we will rp it, as soon as you like and i have the time. A home and membership of Elumeril can be aquired if wished for.


Loyal Servant of Altera
You should also add Women are welcome, I've seen a few good female fighters on the server (Totally boasting ;)) And they assumed it's just for men. When really, it's for anyone willing to be Loyal too the family