Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Rox has another question for you!


We demons of our solemn hour
If you had to create a new character right now
Who and What would it be?
Please add race , proffession , a bit of personality and a name if you can think of one
In a short story or a sentence.

I would go with:

A for the inquisition working elven snitch who looks for heretics and selling them out while acting friendly to everyone.

Brave Rubber Duck

Sally little helper
A Nakat salesmen, wondering from town to town with his goods, staying in inns and at strangers guest rooms if provided, almost never staying over for more than one night.


Lord of Altera
An old Caparii monk, who creates stories and scrolls as an author and lives peacefully; however has a sharp attitude behind him and trains some in the ways of the quarterstaff(the basics) and has a diplomatic life behind him.


Lord of Altera
An insane human Jes- Oh wait...

Either a brave but grumpy old dwarven skylord called Spagger, or a old, grumpy Caparii called erm... Spagarii.


Lord of Altera
Start with a young character, a librarian or scientist's assistant, hopefully a child of a family on the server and of the human race. A quiet lad. Then I can mould him as he grows up.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Gah I love your questions

I would be a nakat called Julius, since I've never rp-d as a nakat before, and it sounds like a bunch of fun without the worry of people walking up to me and going 'hey mr. ghost person!'. Also, he would be a swordsman of sorts, but mainly seen as a healer, using magic to close wounds and fight of infections n stuff :)


Magus of Nothing
A huge blacksmith who lack most intelligence...imagine Hodor(GoT) slightly smarter and skilled with metalworking.


Lord of Altera
I guess I would start something like an idealistic elven samurai, but since I know myself pretty good, I would terribly fail to play him the right way...


The Mogul of Cromarcky
I would play a human woodsman with a short temper and an addiction to alcohol. When he gets himself into a rage, he grabs whatever is within reach (including other people) and throws it at the source of his anger with all his might.

His name would be Chuck Adams.


Lord of Altera
Id create a sailer who retired due to a painful wooden leg, he would be called Luck Borris and would often be seen smacking people with his leg.