Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Rox has another question for you!


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Bob the Elf.

I actually can't answer this without revealing my next character, who I'm trying to keep super-secret :(

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Bob the Elf.

I actually can't answer this without revealing my next character, who I'l trying to keep super-secret :(
Hm.... bob has an o in it, and elf has an e in it, which are vowels, and vowels appear in the show countdown, where they read dictionaries, which contain the words orphan and assassin, which are things that people on this server dislike, and the server is owned by-

Oh my god, you're going to be cherbert without a beard?! How did I not see this coming?! :D


Lord of Altera
A for the inquisition working elven snitch who looks for heretics and selling them out while acting friendly to everyone.
Jeez, my char would be stuffed...

AAA slightly shy, young Syrie girl who sort of charms people with her cuteness while pocketing their wares. Mainly shiny trinkets and pretty jewellery.