Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

~The Dragon Emporium~


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
That was some derpylicious stew right there.

Username: yoda74
Brief description of the dragon: Red mushroom flavoured coloured.
Name of the dragon: Gary Autidore's brother.
Anything else: Well, remember the story of Gary Autidore the mushroom? Well, this is his brother, a half-breed between a red mushroom from the Autidore family and a dragon.
Come check it out, yo.


Hell Hound dragon with Scar horns would be my breakfast- and my world.
Username: Scardrac
Brief description of the dragon: The Hell Hound, that picture over there- With Scardrac horns- AND OF COURSE THE AMAZING WINGS
Name of the dragon: >_> <_< The Hell Hound dragon? :F
Anything else: Newp~


Lord of Altera
Username: Anithola
Brief description of the dragon: A white and gold guardian dragon. Can you give him a sword like tail?
Name of the dragon: Vigizor
Anything else: if you could make his scales look like or form some kind of shield that would be EPIC. But if its too hard/ doesnt fit the dragon its not needed :-P



Lord of Altera
Well you could always work on the other dragons while waiting? :3

Edit: Waiting* how did I manage that typo?