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[Island] Sundown Isle


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
Big shout out for all those that helped get the project where it is right now, Thank you for what you have done! Special thanks to Ephemarel and Madyson0915

Settlement Name: Sundown Isle
Mayor: Doctor Josef Mandovi
Current Wealth: Still getting funds to buy materials, currently 103 plots bought
House: Tiarch
Project Completion Expectation: ~October, 2013
X: 6040 Y: 40 Z: 4900

Description / Introduction: Sundown Isle is eventually going to be a place of science and medical learning achieved by the rather shady means of experimenting on live sentient subjects, and although rather dark on the inside it appears to be no more than a tropical island with a board of medical doctors conducting research. This will all of course be expanded but it will be awhile before building even begins, this isn't much more than a project with a bit of a base to build on.

This is the new island that will be built on. I had difficulties with the old land mass that would make it much more difficult to continue the project. So I opted to move to a different island, but its considerably more large than previously estimated. My 103 plots does not cover it, so that's why the current drive is money.
Screenshot (288).png

How To Help: Due to a massive setback in the land buying process, no materials are needed to build with. I hate to start this whole money thing over again, but that is what I need help with the most. I hope that this doesn't last long.

Thanks to anyone who gives support.


The Kingdom Crusher
I love this ._. Is there anyway to apply at the moment? My character Dav'id has recently retired from his tribe, and has decided to carry out more scientific, medical and political practices (I'd defiantly not bring any political tension to the isles, of course x)). If not, I'd be sure to help out until it's large enough for application :p


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
I love this ._. Is there anyway to apply at the moment? My character Dav'id has recently retired from his tribe, and has decided to carry out more scientific, medical and political practices (I'd defiantly not bring any political tension to the isles, of course x)). If not, I'd be sure to help out until it's large enough for application :p
Wells there's not anything there yet but when there is I'd love to have you join. Donating money is the most helpful thing to do right now if you can spare any at all. At the rate I am going it will be completely done by September.


The Kingdom Crusher
Wells there's not anything there yet but when there is I'd love to have you join. Donating money is the most helpful thing to do right now if you can spare any at all. At the rate I am going it will be completely done by September.
Splendid :p I'll try mining for money for donation (and paying off my cake depts >.>), and possibly talk to you about other ways I can help ;3


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
If you want help building or anything, im happy to! :)
Right now there's very little space to build as I still need money to buy the island entirely, and the land needs to be modified after that is done. When the island is ready to be built upon I would love to have your help.


Lord of Altera
Hey, my character would surely like being there, he dreams of becoming a professor ;D


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
That's great! I always need more people to make this possible. I'll be sure to make sure you get the information concerning the actual town when it's close to completion.


Lord of Altera
This looks great! You should make it small and insignificant looking on the surface, but a vast network of buildings underneath. And secret passages! Can't go wrong with secret passages.

I'd love to help, but I'm still a long way from funding my own project.


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
Thank you for the consideration, I hope that I can help you fund your project once mine is finished.


Lord of Altera
Hey, so as it turns out, I may be scrapping my own project entirely. Several people have expressed wishes for limiting the cities on the server, and I happen to be in agreement with them. Also, the city would take a lot of time and money, and I'm just not sure I'm willing to stick it out on my own.

Sooooo, I'd love to help you with yours. I can probably donate some money, though I don't have much (most of it I spent on a noble title when I was still going ahead with my plan). All I ask is that I be involved, and also allowed to create secret passages. :D

Also, I won't be able to get on for the next two weeks (self-imposed pseudo-ban, so I can work on finals for school). Plus, I noticed that you plan to be finished around September? Hopefully I can help speed that up a little, as I will likely not be available around July and a long period of time after.


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
Can't thank you enough for deciding to help me! Yes you will be involved in this project, I'll make sure of it. If you decide to help fund this, which is more than I can ask and the most helpful thing the best thing to do right now is to vote every day to help buy plots.

Over half the island remains unpurchased, but as soon as it is fully bought and has been modified geologically I will make sure to have you help make the underground tunnels, chambers, and rooms. I'm going to need all the help I can get, so thanks a ton.


Lord of Altera
Let's see... that's 4:00, my time. PM, I assume? I won't be able to get on then, but I should an hour or two after if you're still on. Is your in-game name the same as your forum name?


My toon, Artemis Snapso, is new to the realm and seeks residence within a town. Snapso beleives not in the gods of Altera, but in the fact that knowledge is the truest power. Sundown Isle would be the perfect place for him to call home. He's willing to pay a sizable one off donation or a modest tax rate to help you fund the project, in return for a safe place to rest.


What a nice location and name.
I can't wait to visit in the future, Mr Squid.


Lord of Altera
Hey, Squidziod, once the town is up and running, could me and Andries1999 join?
We will happily apply for it, and fund you with resources if you need them.


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
Let's see... that's 4:00, my time. PM, I assume? I won't be able to get on then, but I should an hour or two after if you're still on. Is your in-game name the same as your forum name?
Yes it is, ans I will be on an hour or two after that, yes.