Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!



Lord of Altera
Username: jjstarwow
Rp name: Robert Salter
Darkblood, if yes, what level: Yes level: 3
Character background(link's good aswell): Sorry i havent done this for this character yet :p
Accepted..I rp'd with him..So yeah..

Initiation can begin as soon as a demon is available..


Lord of Altera
Username: MaelstromPuddle
Rp name: Andras Natrizi'ma
Darkblood, if yes, what level: 1
Character background(link's good aswell): Sig


Lord of Altera
Pffft, I was harmaa before it was cool
Actually..Harmaa isn't a noun..

When you say 'you're Harmaa' It's wrong..You're off Harmaa..

Username: hshotwell
Rp name: Lord Icecloak
Darkblood, if yes, what level: Nope, just a regular minion of grief.
Character background(link's good aswell): Gotta update this at some point:
Accepted..Same as Andras..Wait untill a demon gets here..


Lord of Altera

Add to the application from now on:

Favored path:
Makes it easier to see how many potential recruits from wich path we have..

I'll add this in the main post when we get home..


Lord of Altera
Yes..I know that Cami..


Favored path: Wich one of the four paths would you like..? Creatures of the night, the blades of grey, the hunters of tha dark or the black force..?


Loyal Servant of Altera
Yes..I know that Cami..


Favored path: Wich one of the four paths would you like..? Creatures of the night, the blades of grey, the hunters of tha dark or the black force..?
Oh ok, you said theres gonna be a vanguard, if so what will it be like, a kind of rogue thing?