Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Forum rps?


Lord of Altera
*Dont know if this is the right place to post this.

So I got to thinking today while out and about at school. What is the one thing I have a hard time finding on Hollow. Forum rps. I'm sure they are around just being PMed around. This kinda bugs me. I would like to see these open for anyone to read and take part in(If they ask and its still open for people to be part of.). I just don't fine MC a very good place to rp. Not that there is anything wrong with it. I just don't see it in a good light for rp. With the limited text you can use in a single line, it doesn't let you really give the full detail of whats going on. So I would like to know what people think about starting a forum rp for people here on hollow.

If people are interested in this idea I will expand on this. I just want to know what people think. The rps wouldn't have to be set in Altera or anything. Just the idea of a way to get more people into rping with the community.


There's already a few forum RPs going around, I suppose just add yours and see if it gets a positive response? :)


Lord of Altera
You could always try and set up a forums RP if you want to! If you do, I'd suggest putting it in the role-playing discussion section.


When I was Gromm, it was amazing the Roleplay I did offline.
It was a very long time ago now, but shortly after Gromm met Eala, MissPlums didn't have a very good computer.
So she created offline RP's.
These....were amazing. There are many things I remember and love about them offline RP's..
I look back on them sometimes. *adds random quotes*

*smiles shyly*
'Ello 'dere...I am Gromm...Gromm Wake, he who eats cookies fo--
I eat...cookies...yes.
*A random cookie, baked by Gromm, appears in his hand*
Gromm, i burned All your underwear yesterday *evil Laugh*
(dudes, eala and gromm are having an intense moment and we're discussing jaffa cakes!)
(Best. Rp. Ever. Jaffa's Jaffa's Jaffa's! Lol xD)

( dudette, jaffa's and love is the Best mix ever xD )
Wait a second I know you, you're one who eats cookies for breakfast."
Is he... *Sheathes the arrow and bow*
D-did we just K-KILL someone!?
*Sleeping next to Gromm, resting his head on his lap*

{*Dreams of a happy family*}
( Lol, I love the fact, everything Gromm says in Dwarven always has swearing in it xD )
*Eala can see the wicked glint in Alden's eye as he runs for the beach, the look he gets when he's about to do something potentially stupid with magic*
*he sits down, and grins slowly* I never ate eggs before...Let's hope this tastes good...
*Smiles at Mist, then turns to Scoot*

In a little bit, 'jus after I find me compass
*Digs into pouch, pulls out a sealed letter*
*Digs in again, pulls out a box full of cookies*
*Digs in again, pulls out an arrow*
Interesting, but no.
*Pulls out glasses*
What are 'dese?
*Pulls out another bag*
*Gets out a compass*
*Rolls her eyes*
*Squeak! Squark!*

*To Norbert (the bird)*
Don't tell me how 'ta make food! I know, I have been trained by so many chiefs---wait, ye want me 'ta go bac--ye silly bird!


Oh hush. I hate nuts *squints*
*Echoes from kitchen*

oh shut up
(Bedtime in-game? GROMM JUST GOT UP! He ain't THAT lazy!)
I was once drunk too:
(Scooot's good laddd, but I might KILL Gromm whhile Drunk! LETS DO IT! I'lll try noot to be tooo silly

*LooKs innocent as he ssits on the couc-sofa thing*
I lllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeee you guys <<<<:heart:££333

I'll go TO BEd and ComE Back lAtEr)

( Just reading through the messages. Wtf was wrong with me? xD )

(you were drunk lol)
But yeah!
Offline RP's! FUN!