Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Magus of Nothing
Now, I have just created a smith character, I wanted someone who could fill in for the fact I could never find a blacksmith. I now realize why. Everyone already has a sword, from some mystical location. Everyone already has expertly forged armor. Everyone already has all the jewelry they will ever need. I'm not sure what to suggest, but we could always brainstorm ideas on how to encourage the buying of items off these certain people who know how to make these things.

On another note, if you ever need something RP, don't just give your character it. There are many active roleplayers who could likely make that sword/mace/mech-suit that you want. Just ask about, say you need a blacksmith and someone will know someone who is one. Alternatively give me or another craftsman you know an OOC message ingame or on the forums and arrange a meeting. Fun RP is provided and you now have a 'legitimate' sword/mace/assassin spring-blade.



The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Also other wares...
Food - not everyone is a hunter/farmer/lives in an apple tree!
Potions - not everyone can brew them!
Tools - only some people would have the understanding of how they are made!

The list goes on... and on... and on... and on...


Magus of Nothing
I was just using smithing as an example, it's what my character does.


Non sum qualis eram
Had fun for about 3 months acting as a skilled craftsperson but I guess at some point that stopped.

Cannot wait to be a bit less busy and go back to RPing more.

One plus to RPing with Naelwyn I guess is in knowing any item would be pre-vetted and lore approved~

One con... well, the price~


The Kingdom Crusher
Yeah, I think people giving their characters less in RP so they have to actually get it from a worker would be quite healthy for the community, as it'd encourage honest workers. Seriously, a lot of my tribe have honest jobs, but that's hard to notice when no body ever needs something doing/made >.<


The Mogul of Cromarcky
I'd absolutely love to see a rule put in place that limits characters to standard weaponry unless crafted by a better than standard craftsman. Magic (in roleplay) weapons can only come from runesmiths or enchanting mages... things like that.

Of course, in order to adopt such a system, you'd need a system that determines a fair way to decide on how skilled a craftsman is, and how powerful an enchantment a mage can place on a weapon... the mage part could be incorporated somewhat easily into the eventually upcoming magic lore system, but we'd need to expand that system to craftsmen as well.... and for that matter, pretty much everything else.... heh...


Non sum qualis eram
Basically, to avoid exploding the economy into teeny, tiny pieces and immediately stratifying things as people go for a few particulars, we can't restrict any of the basic actions, but we can give baselines, levels, and small boons.

A great source for this would be the Guilds plugin, but then we get into the situation of exploding options if one combined race and profession.


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
*Was a blacksmith since he joined the server*

*Never found a single person in need of a sword*


Lord of Altera
Perhaps we could find/produce a plugin that restricts the construction of high level weapons/armors unless you have a certain skill level in that field? I really like the idea of actually needing blacksmiths and the such.


Lord of Altera
I have an idea that may work:
If you are not a blacksmith, then you can only make swords up to iron (?), but if you are, you can create every type of sword.
Good or nawt?


Lord of Altera
I have an idea that may work:
If you are not a blacksmith, then you can only make swords up to iron (?), but if you are, you can create every type of sword.
Good or nawt?
Problem with that is then the only thing blacksmiths can sell is diamond armor and weapons. I'd say wood or stone, I doubt anyone not practiced in blacksmithing would know the actually complicated process of making a metal sword.


Lord of Altera
Problem with that is then the only thing blacksmiths can sell is diamond armor and weapons. I'd say wood or stone, I doubt anyone not practiced in blacksmithing would know the actually complicated process of making a metal sword.
Okay then.
Stone and less - Normal peeps
Gold and less - less experienced blacksmiths
Diamond and less - advanced blacksmiths.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... I feel somewhat proud, actually, that every object Nwalme has accumulated in his somewhat short time in Altera I have a RP explanation for.


Lord of Altera
I have been thinking about this issue too, and I would also like to see crafting restrictions when it comes to armor and weapons. The fact that every litte street orphan can craft their very own sharpness III Fire Aspect III Diamond sword just doesnt make sense :3


Lord of Altera
Ok, here's my shopping list:
-A new decorated bastard sword, since my last one is at the bottom of the Port Silver moat.
-A good shield able to resist some spells like fireball and such.
As soon as my character finds a blacksmith, he'll order those.


Magus of Nothing
That si what I mean! Not only IG weapons but RP ones too. There is no IG rep of a shield, so we have to RP making it.


Lord of Altera
An orphan wielding a diamond sword isn't something we can address, merely awful Role-Play. I wish some people would use some common sense when using weaponry in RP- all my (old) character used to have was a shiv and a blowgun with five darts. He didn't even know what poison was used in them, they were just used extremely cautiously and rarely.

If we were to only allow blacksmiths to do blacksmithing and the likes, we'd be doing what is similar to the guilds plugin(bare in mind we're working on a variation of the guilds plugin that won't affect "survival Minecraft" anywhere near as much as I'm about to discuss) and that's already been put down as an awful idea. Why? Because Naelwyn and Legion would pwn the market. Simple as that. It'd be almost impossible for any new players to find any resources or start themselves off on the server in that respect. If you want a better idea of what the server'd be like with them running everything with guilds, send them a PM or something.

In the meantime, this .gif will explain everything.
