Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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King Oguk

Earthspawn King
My town has farmers... Blacksmiths... Hunters etc...

Just saying... Zuk'Thar is exceeding the RP and you should BOW DOWN TO THE MIGHT EARTHSPAWN!


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
I agree 1000%. I have 1 sword that has background relevance, but everything else came from rp. I'm one of the few master apothecaries. Being a decent apothecary was relevant to my back story, but I trained, learned and grew in rp. To be frank I'm tired of people running around in rp situations having Invisibility potions. I didn't supply them, and I doubt anyone else did. By my reckoning you made them yourself. And where did you learn to do that? Oh that's right. You didn't. You just magically gained the knowledge. I don't know how to make weapons or armour and I've recently employed a blacksmith to make a full chain suit. Because this makes it fun. I know how to hunt and cook, but only the basics. I don't know how to mine or build, and therefore I hire people to do these. Are we the few that enjoy this kind of RP?



Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Also; as a side note. I think it's fine to teach yourself to a certain level. I'm trying to learn to farm with a little patch of land where I can grow carrots and potatoes. Here I learn and perhaps one day I can spend some time as a farm hand and learn even more, like how to grow wheat!



No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
At the end of the day, if people wont rp well on their own, they still wont rp well if we add restrictions.


Magus of Nothing
Restrictions is not what this was about at all! This was to raise awareness that there are legitimate places out there you can get your full plate armor.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Restrictions is not what this was about at all! This was to raise awareness that there are legitimate places out there you can get your full plate armor.
Yes my comment was a response to others, not to you.
Im glad you brought up this point.