Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Application for white-list [Declined - Mairin]

David Mason

About you

1) What is your Minecraft username?: npezzi

2) How old are you?: 16

3) Where are you?: Arizona,America

4) Have you read our guides yet?: Yes

5) Introduce yourself: I am a 16 year old guy. I love minecraft and everything in this server. I play minecraft everyday so I would be on the server alot. I was looking for a server that was actually ALOT like this one, so that me and my girl friend can play together. One of my favorite bands are Maroon 5, Never Shout Never, Bruno Mars, and All American Rejects.

About your character

Name: David Mason

Age: 13

Race: human

Appearance: blonde 4 in. hair , 13, 5 ft 1, brown eyes

The test

When David Mason was born, his village was in progress of being built.What David Mason had for a family was his twin brother and a mother and parents.When David Mason was little he was protected from the mages... but he never knew that he was one.By the time he was about ten he was the best at swordsman and archery in his village, but the only thing no one knew was that he used magic arrows and magic weapons for perfect accuracy and perfect slices through enemies.

When the village found out he was to be executed.But when his family found out, the only one who tried to do something was his brother.When they went for David, his brother took his place.The day of the execution, when David's brother died, David went insane, the entire town fell to pieces.Flames were everywhere and no one survived the fire... except for David... no one else to kill, no one else to hate, no more fighting, mages, soldiers, all dead.

When he went back the only body that didn't burn was his brother.He slowly walked home... burnt, broken, dead cabin.Then he sat on his brother's bed, sitting.When he laid down he heard his head hit a paper. On the paper said "Thanks for always being there for me David but now... I'm going to be there for you" then it showed a picture of David and his brother. David started to cry both happy yet sad.But his crying didn't last long.Right when he sniffled, he heard footsteps.Then he slowly looked out of the cabin... Bandits, about 19 going to each cabin.One bandit went over to him, neither attacked.The bandit just called the leader over he was a tallish man with a beard and blue eyes he said that he would let him stay with them.

They went to old camps, dead villages, ruined towns, and every time they lost another man. When it was only down to the leader and David... the leader was the one to die... before he died,he said to David "go... go to a town and live a life with no violence" then he gave him a pouch of money, enough to start a new life, and then, with all his will left he yelled "GO!" then David quickly ran away and went to Daggerfall on a boat.

On the trip to Daggerfall he had a rough time sleeping since he heard crying from above, he thought a passenger was crying. Every night he heard it... and every night he went up to the upper deck. When he looked there was always a little boy, he'd ask him his name, then the little boy would jump over board. But one night, the last night there, it wasn't the same person. It was a girl about David's age, so David asked her for her name but she didn't answer him, instead she asked "Did I wake you?" but David just wondered "Is this the same person as before? Should I ask? Or should I just go back to bed?" But his questions are still not answered. Some times in Daggerfall he sees her but they just say "hi" and walk away. But David Mason still has trouble sleeping at night from the accident.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Just some friendly advice, try and add what type of music you like and stuff like that to the part about yourself.


Jane of all Trades
Retired Staff
Hey good start! Your test section is a bit short however, and the bandits killing the town is a story that gets used often. If you could add another paragraph or so, and work on making it a bit more original then I can move you onto the next step!

David Mason

Okay thanks, but the bandits didn't destroy the town... they got there after that...The bandits are like scavengers but if anything tries to get in their way they kill them


Jane of all Trades
Retired Staff
Your application is almost ready to be approved, all you need to do is answer the two following questions correctly. You will be able to find all the answers either on our forums or on the wiki, the link for which can be found near the top of the page. Remember to read everything carefully, some of the answers may be rather discreet.

Give three examples of skins that are not allowed on the server.

What are the core playable races that do not require special permission?


Jane of all Trades
Retired Staff
Please answer the questions given so you can get accepted - otherwise this application will expire tomorrow and I'll have to decline it.