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New Alloy: Cardinal


Lord of Altera
Always thought a red metal would be pretty cool, so I thought I'd make one :D here's some details as to how its made and what its like.
Weight: 6.76 grams per cubic centimeter (A bit lighter than iron)
Colour: Blood red
Hardness: Just about noticeably stronger than Steel
Components: To make a kilogram of Cardinal, one needs to heat 750 grams of iron ore (haematite) with 200 grams of quartz and 50 grams of redstone. This mixture will need to be raised 1600 degrees Celsius. This can then be moulded into an ingot, ready for shaping.
Extra Notes: Because of the high Iron content, Cardinal is magnetic. (This probably wont mean anything in Altera, but its there) And, because of the redstone present, it provides a weak redstone current.


Perhaps some kind of skill level is needed to make it? So it is hard to make or something. Otherwise it sounds cool.


Carpet Monkey
wait...isn't quartz a very britle mineral used for glass, porcelain and stuff like that? =0 or is netherquartz some kind of metal? *confused*

maybe use gold instead of the quartz? it adds to the red color and sounds a bit more sturdy =)


Menel said:
you can make glass and porcelain out of quartz so i think it wouldn't explode ;) you need to make it liquid :3
You can make stairs, chiseled blocks and ordinary blocks out of quartz, so I imagine it can be quite hard. This is minecraft so who really knows? :S


Lord of Altera
I'd presume that -nether- quartz has different properties to normal quartz, otherwise it would have shattered with the heat of the nether.


Magus of Nothing
A structure like that means it breaks easily. There are not many atoms bonded to more than two things. Diamonds are so solid because every atom is bonded to another three.

EDIT: Also lookign further it contains oxygen and silicon. Oxygen can only bond to two other atoms, silicon can bond to three, but is less reactive than carbon, so will break these bonds with more ease.


Actually quartz is pretty hard, nothing to that of a diamond but harder than most minerals, especially gold.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
There is currently no means in Alteran Technology to heat anything even close to 1600 C