Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[City] Zuk'Thar

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
You know what? I think I'll make an app. I'm friendly enough with some Earthspawn already7

Account Name: K9_Diarmuid
IC Name: Elrohir Ancalimé Engem.
Character Age: 191
Race: Wood Elf
Link to your backstory if you have one:é-engem.21250/
Desired Field of Work [Agriculture, Military/Government, etc]: Elrohir doesn't care, he just likes to brew potions.

Accepted, one of the only non-Earthspawn to be accepted

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Account Name: wolfpilot
IC Name: Wolf
Character Age: 32
Race: Earthspawn
Link to your backstory if you have one
Desired Field of Work [Agriculture, Military/Government, etc]: Government or Agriculture
Account Name: wolfpilot
IC Name: Wolf
Character Age: 32
Race: Earthspawn
Link to your backstory if you have one
Desired Field of Work [Agriculture, Military/Government, etc]: Government or Agriculture


Loyal Servant of Altera
Hey guys, if you are not aware, I have been accepted into the city, and I have a building project idea for the city...
Introducing! The Hall of Sparring! (sorry the picture for the layout design would not come up) This will be a place that the residents can swordplay, or just beat each other up with their fists. If I can buy just enough land in the city, I can build the hall. Tell me what you think of this.

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Hey guys, if you are not aware, I have been accepted into the city, and I have a building project idea for the city...
Introducing! The Hall of Sparring! (sorry the picture for the layout design would not come up) This will be a place that the residents can swordplay, or just beat each other up with their fists. If I can buy just enough land in the city, I can build the hall. Tell me what you think of this.
This was already planned and I began claiming land for it! You can be in charge of the project if you like?


The Kingdom Crusher
This reminds me a lot of the Burning Legion and the Old Horde from the Warcraft series... Bet it'll turn out epic :p


Account Name: ReyCraft1237
IC Name: Kroluk Drul
Character Age: 26
Race: Earthspawn
Link to your backstory if you have one:
Desired Field of Work [Agriculture, Military/Government, etc]: military