Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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We have your kid, again.


Lord of Altera
{I should have some servants with a palanquin in Port Silver as well, so I will not have to walk by myself... or a carriage.} *arriving at the gates, she stops to catch some breath due to her exhaustion*
"Finally.... the gates of Port Silver..." *looks around* "Why are they unguarded?!?"
*notices Lord Elumeril standing there with some guards and the physician*
"Good day, Lord Elumeril, Lord Rigger" *bows her head politely as a sign of respect and as a greeting*


Carpet Monkey
*He looks up as he is spoken to*
"Ahh, Lady Venecia!"
*he salutes grining*
"What business brings you here, all alone and out of breath?"


Lord of Altera
*smiles warmly* "I am out of breath because I had to walk, Lord Elumeril. This is such a tiring activity. And I have to get some work done for the basilissa, so I decided to visit my office in the palace. Did you already hear about the kidnapped boy?"


Carpet Monkey
*he holds up one of the letters*
"I am already on it. A serious matter. Last time i was accused and men of the inquisition broke into my mannor accusing my family of realy having kidnapped the boy. Because of that and because the real father of the boy was my close friend i somewhat take this personally."


Settling in Altera
"Is it true that the Inquisitors are considered above the law?" He turns to look at the constable with a confused look in his only eye, his nose scrunching up.


Lord of Altera
*Walks around Port Silver, holding one of the letters, growling lowly to himself* "People just don't know when to stop...but I'll get Raigo back..."*Crumples up the letter, and tosses it into the fire outside the Mead*


Loyal Servant of Altera
*Spots Garen and waves narrowing her eyes at the letter*
{What could it be... now.}
"What's that, Garen?"


Lord of Altera
"Someone kidnapped Raigo..."{Again...}*Clenches his fists*


The original mute
*a few chords echoe around the area where the mute is, a pause in them signals to those who can't see him that something else has caught his interest* {a few chords of sadness play in his mind "(this is Xeenal my other character who lives in the mind of this one) yeah I agree, poor lad, always seems t be something up though} *xenai puts the note in his pack and walks steadily to the mead, playing a tune that is neither sad, nor happy. More a tune to fit the occasion*


Carpet Monkey
*He looks at the Physician*
"mmmh...some of them, aye. High inQuisitors and above and ofcourse the oracle, the Lawgiver......though they only are as long out of the reach of the law as the people of altera tolerate that. To openly act out of it is dangerous, even for the Arbiter."


Settling in Altera
"Most interesting.. such concepts are unheard of in Littleborough and since my arrival they have left me confused. For now I should be taking my leave and returning to my quarters."

He tips his head to the Constable and the lady, turning on his heel and limping away with his ever present ordinary cane.


Lord of Altera
"I did not manage to properly present myself... Although he should know me as the Right Hand. So the church accused you, Lord Elumeril? How unpleasant. Furthermore they should have remembered that you are a father of several children as well and can imaginethe pain of losing a child.... How may I assist you in your investigation?"


The original mute
*noticing most of the people have much more on their mind, and simply aren't in the mood to listen to the music he walks towards the small crowd and sits down at the edge of it. nodding to lord elumeril, recognizing him from his brief stint asa patient of eala's


Carpet Monkey
*he looks for a moment after the Physician and then back at the Lady*
"hmm, not the church in a whole, as it seems only Gelyk and a friend of his. I already brought that matter to Albareth and am investigating who exactly broke into the mannor. Whoever it was, it seems like they hit my 4 year old daughter in he tummy"
*at that his expression can only be described as grimm*
"As far as the help is concerned, you already help me and my family greatly in supporting us, but maybe you can come up with some things that your positions allow you to do"