Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Character Development


Lord of Altera
So bascially after I get back from my exams I want to 'develop' Marcus as it is a great aspect to Role Playing. The best 'Development' I did was having his sword hand chopped off a month ago and living in fear of Lord Icecloak, but are there any suggestions of how I can go further.
By the way not tips just for me, but for people as well who want to develop even further.


Loyal Servant of Altera
You could replace his sword arm with an axe!
Or maybe make him almost the opposite of what he is, seeking revenge to cut off Lord Icecloak's sword hand e.g making him cruel, a bit like jak's old character, Drake...


The Kingdom Crusher
Join an organisation? For Marcus specifically, why not the Church of Might or the Order of Truth? Seeing as they're headed by fellow Arcturians :p That could be triggered by a religious applicant for him? I don't know.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Learn/be taught something new - a skill or hobby.
Meet new people, travel new places.
Look into different houses, orders, jobs and organisations. Consider ethics, motivations and aims.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
Who teaches magic?
Despite the fact that magic is locked right now, that doesn't mean your character can't try to research and either teach himself magic or find someone who would. Of course, the task is impossible to finish until the event is lifted, but it would give your character a good deal of investment and legitimacy for learning magic once its allowed to be learned again.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
but it would give your character a good deal of investment and legitimacy for learning magic once its allowed to be learned again.
*Cackles gleefully, then blinks - looking around guiltily - and scuttles back under her rock at the speed of light*


Lord of Altera
You don't necessarily have to make big changes, just develop what you already have.

Write down what your character's moral code is, stance on certain things, and beliefs. When you do things, try and exemplify those traits inside of you character and you will be able to refine them. The fun of doing these RP's is in finding out exactly what your character would do/say/want. Once you find that out, it's great fun to play because you are able to add a dynamic character to the pile instead of flip flopping how your character behaves all of the time.