Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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We have your kid, again.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
*The rain slowly trickles down, a light shower in the cool breeze. The papers dance along the ground, as if they were trying to dodges every globule of rain. A faint splattering is heard as the droplets hit the ground and prance back up. Elrohir drops his hood, revealing the long dreadlocks tied back. People run for shelter everywhere. He stoops low to the ground, snatching up one of the many papers that litter the damp flagstones. The sun casts a long shadow across the ground, as the rain continues to soak the page. His eyes flicker over the scrawled writing. When he finishes he grins, tearing the paper which contains the small portion that carries the signature. He scrunches up the paper into a ball, lobbing it over his shoulder. As the rain ceases, he draws his hood up once more. People step outside once more, as the hooded Elf walk off. There's only one thought on his mind. ''Find this man.''*



Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
(Also; where in the glorious internets do you find these pictures? Do you draw them yourself?



Lord of Altera
*looks displeased at the musician* "Learn to play a proper instrument.... like a violin." *turns to Menel* "Lord Elumeril, I am in charge of counseling and organizing. How about we close the port and all other ways out of the city, divide it into closed sectors and search it, sector by sector?" *when the rain starts, she walks back under the gate to take shelter* {I need a palanquin....}


The original mute
*rolls his eyes at the woman* {a few chords of displeasure "I agree, she obviously has a very limited taste in usic if she doen't like music from a lyre, not to mention a iolin being a very poor choice for a travelling bard"} *shrugs again, writes a note which he places on the womans shoulder (it reads, i can play violins, they are just impracitcal to caryy all the way here) and writes another one handing it to menel (it reads, if there is anyway i can assist you please let me know, i have certain friends who will be able to help)


Carpet Monkey
*He walks alongside her but more out of respect then displeased by the rain*
"so what if he isn't inside the town? and from where do we get so many men that we are able to effectivley seal the city -and- search one sector after another? we need leads on that guild and the leader himself, only problem is, so far they stayed hidden pretty well. I Only need one of them. even the lowest member would be enough. That would be a start. I am good at following hints. But right now? i am clueless..."

*he nods at the bard*
"well if you can find me someone out of the mockers guild i can question, that would be great"


Lord of Altera
*takes the note from the shoulder and reads it, then nods afterwards and shrugs* "I hope I will be able to listen to you playing a violin. Maybe I should consider hiring you" *turns to Lord Elumeril*
"True, we currently do not have enough men at out disposal. How about asking the Rangers for help? This should be their field." *bows for ward to Lord Elumeril and whispers into his ear so only he can hear what he says* "Or Sir Whitemore." *then, in her usual volume* "Or we could move the slums and rebuild them more orgnanized in another place. Besides, they are kind of in the wrong place anyways...."


is Barken
*Gelyk Dormus straps himself into his heaviest plate of armour, clawed gauntlets and Blood-Rayne in both hands, then, he "borrows" a few sets of traps, marching off to find this "Sagicious Man"*
*Rage and internal flame flickers behind his dead eyes, he has abandoned all moral, and won't stop until this Sagcious man lays in two pieces, and ahis heart lies in Gelyk's stomach*


Lord of Altera
Vexille walks the streets heading toward the docks and her normal place to rest under a tree near there. She eyes the guards as she passes keeping her left arm held tightly to her side so not to have it seen. Having read the note earlier she smiles softly once passed them. {Must be out looking already. Shame he may have to die. It would be so much easier if they just payed the money to keep the boy safe.}


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
*And conceals his mouth behind his hand again, as Gelyk walks past, somehow managing to not chuckle or show too much mirth*


Settling in Altera

Another night passes over the city, Silvercloaks seem to be more in force than any other night. Some good people carry torches and lanterns as they walk down the harbor towards the Merry Mead where the sounds of happiness and music echoes out over the night, the bright lights shine out the window, illuminating those that stray too near but wish to remain hidden. Urchin boys carry satchels over their shoulders as they run around the city, throwing pieces of parchment onto the floor, so that when the city awakens once more, a message may be delivered. Into the night the boys flee, their job fulfilled and back to the slums they retreat.

" It seems payment has yet to be fulfilled. My Gods will appreciate the sacrifice. I must warn you, Gelyk, solely you. Do you hear that sound? Over the quiet of the night under the pale moonlight? Tick... Tick... Tick... it is the sound of Raigo's life running out."