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Albus's Heroic Action


Lord of Altera
Your sitting next to the Merry Mead, when a man walks by. He has a bandage over his ribs, and has burned skin. When the peasants around you see him they start whispering to each other about some guy named Albus Baldor. After listening in to their strange conversation, you ask them "Who is Albus Baldor?" When the peasants hear you say this they look at you strangely and gasp! One of the peasants asks "You don't know who Albus Baldor is? He was the one that saved [silvertread]'s life! He jumped in front of a flaming spear and landed on the ground... HARD!" You feel foolish as the other peasants look at you strangely. All the peasants stare at albus as he goes into the Merry Mead.​
OOC: Yeah, Queen grief showed up at Port Silver, Albus's second time seeing her that day. Albus thought he was going mad, and finally when he found his mind, he jumped in front of a flaming spear to save [silvertread]'s life. Over 200 Port Silver citezens were there to see it. (that was the rp number, real number was probably like 10 - 15) Peasants quickly spread the news, and all the peasants ever talk about now is him. This is to make it so that the peasants actually spread the news, and hopefully this will spread the news to everyone so that you know. This was not made up at all, maybe a little over-exaggerated but thats what peasants do when they tell a story!​


sparkles emoji
What about when I got thrown into the bay? I came back, crippled, and fought anyways! Do people talk 'bout that? Nope. SO I really see no point in this..


is Barken
I seem to remember the Inquisition and Nwalme fighting as the peasantry watched us in wonder.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Wait, why would I feel foolish? Why would I even care that this guy did these things? I think you kinda put everyone in the same boat with this.




Lord of Altera
Just to clarify, there were never any flaming spears headed in my general direction.
Ack! Everyone lied then, so I was right! There was supposed to be a blaze rod heading in your direction everyone said, and i jumped in front of you, but I didn't see anywhere in the chat where he threw it, and everyone else said he did throw it, so I'm confused. But technically that was a heroic action since he didn't have a good history with the inquisition.... Eh whatever this can just be a place to talk about that event.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... Nwalme jumped off a roof, on top of a Sorrow, and stabbed its eyes out with a stiletto. It was fun. :p

And Basil did much better by resisting temptation. :p

Legion came while Basil and Naelwyn were in Rota Magna. Said Legion put Basil in some sort of translucent bubble, put some form of lightning spell around that, and another translucent bubble around the lightning. If Basil were to pierce the bubble, Rota Magna would of exploded and Basil, Legion and Naelwyn would of become... ash. After that, the explosion would of reached the tower below Rota Magna and made an explosion large enough to create a crater that was... I dunno... about a mile or two in length and the fireball would of been... at least ten or twenty times as large.

... So, yes. Basil was a hero by resisting temptation and Legion nearly killed everyone. :D