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A herald's message [Troop recruitment]


Lord of Altera
In the late afternoon, after most people have already abandoned their work a herald in a red tabard, guarded by heavily armed guards appears on the market, and steps on a pedestal readied for him. While the guards still look for potential dangers around the vicinity the heralds starts reading his message.

Peasants, nobles, and craftsman

Let it be known that the County of Moonlight is currently looking for new troops to bolster its ranks.

We do not distinct between people, and everyone is welcome to join be it Syrie, Greyling Capari, Elf, Dwarf, or Human everyone shall be treated fairly.
Furthermore you will be given gear depending on your specific function.

As your loyalty has to lie with us, you have to relinquish every activity in alien organizations or armies in order upon the time our Lord will accept your pledge.

Interested people are to apply to Count Darknight at Castle Frostguard

OOC Notes:

- House August has vanished and its location is unknown, even to its own army, all troops are thus stationed at Castle Frostguard. Joining will thus not provide you with House Augusts' or Heavens Reach's location. (for now ;) )

- When August re-surfaces the Army will join up with the house again.


We demons of our solemn hour
O gawd. .. another army against the royal one?

*gets his weaponry*

I'll check up


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
The Syrien do not exist anymore.

If I understand correctly, Syrien don't exist in terms of people playing them, but will continue to exist in Altera until the Exodus happens.



Lord of Altera
The ooc part of this will get a few additions people will like in the next few days btw; As soon as we gget to deiscuss the exact details ;). So stay tuned :D.
And regarding the Syrien: What Kvote said :D


Lord of Altera
*As soon as the Herald finnishes his speech/reading, Proteus finally looks up from his notebook which has the word "Frostguard" scribbled in it and he sets off towards the castle while muttering to himself* "I guess they might need a chef"


Maybe-probably gonna finally RP with you, Dracon? :p