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Blacksmith Wanted


[RP] -
The first glimpses of sunrise slowly begin to ascend in the horizon, basking the sprawling city of Port Silver in a warm glow. Birds take to the skies, fluttering and flapping about as they softly whistle their songs of the morning, informing all that another day has come. Having awoken early, the thought of treating yourself to a finely cooked meal to break your fast at the Merry Mead was quite alluring. Certainly, your countless hours of tough, laborious work at the forges has earned you this.
Quickly clothing yourself in a rough tunic and trousers, you fetch your sack of radiants from beneath the bed in which you sleep and untie it, allowing what you assume to be a sufficient amount pour into your hand. Tucking them into a pouch hooked to your waist, you return the sack, and then make your way out the door, stopping by your forge to throw your smith apron up and over your head, displaying your profession to any potential customers.

As you approach the entrance to the tavern, you ignore the common and various notes stuck to the wall, however a certain one catches your eye, labelled in fine ink, reading 'Blacksmith Wanted'. Of course, you would take a moment to step closer, and scan over the sheet of parchment.
'To any who may be capable of providing, I, Daen Vyren, am in need of finer weapons. Namely the following, *there is a description of a detailed spear, followed by two daggers*. Should you be interested, I am commonly wandering about the desert city of Mirage, and we can discuss further. Pay, most certainly, will be included.'
Tearing the parchment from the wall with your right hand, you hastily fold it up and shove it into a pocket. Glancing back at the entrance to the tavern, you take a step back.
The meal can wait, you find yourself heading to Mirage.

[OOC] -
Yep, it's another one of those posts. Truly, I'm just too lazy to go and find a blacksmith in RP, as I've already asked around a bit to no benefit. This is more so just a way of getting blacksmiths to contact me in-game, and then we can RP the rest from there. I also apologise for the hastily written RP introduction, not my best writing. I suppose if you're interested, you can either post a reply here, or just get a hold of me directly on the server. Thanks.


We demons of our solemn hour
Since my syrie is gone I was going to make a nord character. . A blacksmith. .

But I can't /yet/


The Kingdom Crusher
My character Chalkan may be available to do the job, but I have decided to take a break for a while, or at least go on less (that goes for my computer - I'm my Ipad). Is what you're looking for specific, or just any new/fine quality weapon?


I suppose I should have posted pictures~
They'll look something like this in RP:
Dagger1.pngDagger2.png - The two daggers. Spear.jpg - (Thumbnail) The spear, yet there would be a V in the engraving.


The Kingdom Crusher
Heh heh, sweet! I'll talk to you in game as soon as I can, which may be later after my homework. Though, I could arrange an RP meeting tomorrow too :p


I'm online right now, and I'll probably be online for a while. Whenever you have time to come on, just send me a PM (D47DR34M) and we can work it out!


The new Gromm shall be a blacksmith, though he won't be around yet, sorry to say.