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Albus's Alive Family (All playable characters)


Lord of Altera
So I decided to make a family tree for my character. You can play any of the characters listed. If your interested in playing any of the listed characters pm me on the forums and I'll give you a character profile. And if you have trouble devoloping characters, no problem just use these.

Dorothy Baldor (Albus's mother) Age: 31
John Baldor (Albus's uncle from his mothers side) Age: 36
Leonard Baldor (Albus's uncle from his dad's side) Age: 26
Anne Talbot (Albus's aunt from his dad's side) Age: 28
Henry Talbot (Albus's uncle in-law from his dad's side) Age: 28
Peter Baldor (Albus's little brother) Age: 14
Arthur Baldor (Albus's little brother) Age: 12
James Baldor (Albus's little brother) Age: 10
Bryce Baldor (Albus's little brother) Age: 8
Lief Baldor (Albus's baby brother) Age: 6
Henry Jr. Talbot (Albus's cousin) Age: 4
Victoria Talbot (Albus's cousin) Age: 2
Sarah Talbot (Albus's cousin) Age: 1 month
Selene Talbot (Albus's cousin) Age: 1 month


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Umm... Albus' mum is 29, and he is 18...

I'm sorry, but it's a bit mad to think that an 11 year old girl could concieve, carry and give birth to a child without sustaining some pretty bad physical and psychological damage - even in the medieval times. Most humans aren't even fertile until around 12, and childbirth was a risky business anyway - to birth ten children and survive was an almost impossible feat in those days.


Magus of Nothing
Umm... Albus' mum is 29, and he is 18....
Young mothers actually have an easier time of giving birth than others. It is entirely feasible and doesn't happen much today only due to the law.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
11 years old was a common birthing age in Medieval times. Juliet in the famous Shakespearean play was only 13.



The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Young mothers actually have an easier time of giving birth than others. It is entirely feasible and doesn't happen much today only due to the law.
Feasible, true.
Likely, it's medieval times... Anything goes.
But this...
to birth ten children and survive is an almost impossible feat in those days.
Either the character is incredibly lucky, or else used magic of some sort.


Lord of Altera
Umm... Albus' mum is 29, and he is 18...

I'm sorry, but there is no way an 11 year old girl could concieve, carry and give birth to a child without sustaining permanent physical and psychological damage - even in the medieval times. Most humans aren't even fertile until around 12/13, and childbirth was a risky business anyway - to birth ten children and survive is an almost impossible feat in those days.
I know I will change that I wasn't thinking when I did that.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Either the character is incredibly lucky, or else used magic of some sort.
Or. I have an funny picture of a turkey before it's stuffed on Christmas Eve, but I won't post it..

pg 13 n stuff.



Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
You lot are no fun *cries*
