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Role Play Fighting


Lord of Altera
NOTE: This post is not to rip on people doing RP fighting, just to make it realistic, and to have it end.

I think I may have asked about this before, but I'll bring it up again because it bugs me. I see a lot of fighting going on around Port Silver, which is great but, it's bizarre fighting. Most of the time, it is two or more people having a fight that lasts 15 minutes in real time and neither one of them will lose. Obviously, both of them want to win so they will continue and go on and on and on and on until at some point, one of them gets bored.

It would be nice if there was some way that the fights could be resolved either randomly or through some third party thing, I have no idea. It is obnoxious when fight just keeps on going and it consists of: *slashes with sword* *dodges* *thrusts sword up into neck* *dodges*. I do not find fighting to be bad, we need to have it done, but the fact that they don't end is annoying.

Also, if there were random people literally fighting in somewhere like Port Silver, wouldn't the guards show up and stop it?

There needs to be a better way to actually resolve the fighting so that the RP can continue.

What do you all think?


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Well, RP fights last anywhere from five to twenty minutes IRL is due to the fact that typing is much slower than we'd all like to think it is.

In all of the fights I've seen, there's been some form of definite winner and the other person is shamed, dead or horribly wounded.

... And, lastly, when people just constantly move about, people need to make counters to this. A good example would be kicking out at someone's hip as they side-step your sword. Or stabbing them with a weapon held in the off-hand as they duck.


Lord of Altera
... And, lastly, when people just constantly move about, people need to make counters to this. A good example would be kicking out at someone's hip as they side-step your sword. Or stabbing them with a weapon held in the off-hand as they duck.
Right, that's what I would expect to happen, but it doesn't (for me). Most/all of the fights I've seen consist of making counters and attacks but neither of the people will want to stop fighting. It just keeps going, that's the issue.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Or forcing them into a situation where they can not possibly dodge, and if they do tell them they are being OP.



... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
That's fun, too~!

Edit: Ced, it's easy to put people in situations like that. :p

Get really close to them with a longbow.


Lord of Altera
I think there just needs to be some sort of Guardsmen who are supposed to stop fights around towns or cities. Really murder goes unpunished due to there not being anyone to enforce the law


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
There are people to enforce the law in PS, just that most people accept the fights as commonplace and don't bother reporting them~.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I think there just needs to be some sort of Guardsmen who are supposed to stop fights around towns or cities. Really murder goes unpunished due to there not being anyone to enforce the law
Murder goes unheard, not unpunished.