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Geopolitics, Claims, and Lore


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
The the only way you can really claim a whole island and avoid other people from staking a claim near you is by claiming /the whole/ island with plots.
It would not make RP sense to make a rival city between regions like Lonmars'' but it is possible OOC.

I'm all for sticking to making RP sense with this new world. This world is one we will keep for longer than the last one.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
It would not make RP sense to make a rival city between regions like Lonmars'' but it is possible OOC.
I'm all for sticking to making RP sense with this new world. This world is one we will keep for longer than the last one.
+100 awesome points


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Pretty much all of the Elven cities are going to be in the major forest regions of the new world... Along with the Caparii and perhaps the Nakam as well


Lord of Altera
Arcturus has got most of it's towns, cities to be in the center, by and on the mountain that has a river leading into the sea.


Lord of Altera
The the only way you can really claim a whole island and avoid other people from staking a claim near you is by claiming /the whole/ island with plots.
It would not make RP sense to make a rival city between regions like Lonmars'' but it is possible OOC.

I'm all for sticking to making RP sense with this new world. This world is one we will keep for longer than the last one.
Was this aimed at my post? I got slightly confused, sorry :confused:


The Kingdom Crusher
I've chosen my space for two reasons: One it will suite the Engem culture heavily, and will help with the development of it, and two: We're practically at the edge of the Arcturian border, and we want to serve as the hut dwelling, fire spewing line in the sand for the region :3


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
RPly, might be an unwise choice being so close to Lonmar territory, but then again RPly it might make for some very interesting politics, tensions across the narrow sea perhaps.
I can imagine a LOT of fighting along that sea!

Arcturus has got most of it's towns, cities to be in the center, by and on the mountain that has a river leading into the sea.
Seemingly, we're going to need an RP-excuse to be here. I call Holy Pilgrimage! It works for us since we're a religious House and such!


Non sum qualis eram
Top right is ours. No more no less ;)
My derp, no worries. I misread, figuring you'd be going for the heavily defended top left, surrounded by impassible mountains that the dwarves would take and have some kind of insane natural defenses.

I didn't actually /read/ the co-ords.


Non sum qualis eram
If anyone would like to help me by doodling a little line around things and re-uploading the file, I'd like to make a handy-dandy geopolitical map for where major cultures are.

Here's the map~



Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Not to be rude, but can people quit with these misconceptions about the Nords before the Lore is completed, verified and released? :p
I was going by the fact that two different factions would be very close to each other, but yeah, I'll stop assuming stuff!


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Speaking of conflicting regions and such... Its just occurred to me that one of the Timbervale options (2) is veeery close to the Engem village (Acturus). Just pointing that out.


The Kingdom Crusher
Speaking of conflicting regions and such... Its just occurred to me that one of the Timbervale options (2) is veeery close to the Engem village (Acturus). Just pointing that out.
As I said, Engems are the green tattooed wolverine-style line in the sand.