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Oglub's Underlings


Lord of Altera
I am looking for a group of instead of giving a paragraph I will right a Q and A​
Who are you?
Earthspawn General and Prince Oglub Pakgu. Son of Der'Ko Oguk and heir to the throne of Zuk'Thar
What do you want with my life?
I want some underlings, mini-mes, ya know? I need an entourage if I am to be proper royalty.
So I follow you around all day catering to a dirty Earthspawns princes every need? That sounds awesome-ly stupid.
It would be a great RP experience, I would give you a place to stay, feed you, you would be ever-protected. And...there will be from 3-7 of you. get to be my apprentice which means you will gain much fighting skill and notoriety.
This sounds awesome! I am a human though.......
Never fear! I will let you be my underling! Just obey my orders and your in for a treat.
What would WE do?
Whatever WE wanted to do. We could burn down the Mead or kidnap the queen! You would just be there to help me along
What if....I get jailed? Or worse?
If you are loyal to me I will risk my life to help you out of ANY jam.
Awesome! But how long do I have to be your underling?
As long as you want!
Where do I apply?
Right here
Link to char profile:​
Why YOU should be my underling:​
How active are you?:​


Loyal Servant of Altera
Serving an Earthspawn does not sound attractive to most, but I believe that after a bit of waiting some people will pop up.


Legend of Altera
IGN: Calain
Username: minersrevenge7
Race: half-ling (a well placed kidnapping may be necessary)
Age: 5
Town: elumeril estate
Link to char profile Calain the little fishy loving child
Why YOU should be my underling: well you did say one month minimum age :3
Job: child
How active are you?: on pretty much every day bar some sort of important irl event


Lord of Altera
IGN: Aloan DiLeon Engem
Username: Deathmoron
Race: Silver Elf
Age: He looks to be 21 in age
Town: Harlaus - Arcturus
Link to char profile: In my signature~
Why YOU should be my underling: Aloan feels comfortable with earthspawn around, so he would decide to protect or support one! You're the prince? Even better than Mama!
Job: Apprentice, or guard
How active are you?: I've finished school! So I bit more than usual!


Lord of Altera
IGN: Aloan DiLeon Engem
Username: Deathmoron
Race: Silver Elf
Age: He looks to be 21 in age
Town: Harlaus - Arcturus
Link to char profile: In my signature~
Why YOU should be my underling: Aloan feels comfortable with earthspawn around, so he would decide to protect or support one! You're the prince? Even better than Mama!
Job: Apprentice, or guard
How active are you?: I've finished school! So I bit more than usual!
Ya in! Lets meet up