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((Looking for RPer to take on role))


Settling in Altera
What I'm looking for: An experienced RPer to take on the role as Ronaldo Rigger, son of Lysle Rigger / The Sagacious Man. In the future I will be possibly seeking RPers to RP as his other two children (twin brother/sister: Horatio and Harriet)

Note: You will not be playing a child, he is nearing 19 years.

What it involves: playing this character full time and as per his character sheet. This character will play a strong role in the future of the Mockers Guild and affiliated members.

How will this happen: I'll have a character sheet organised for you to learn and study, there will be some extensive introduction RP done over the forums. Once done you have free reign as the character as per his char sheet (by this I mean I don't want you to suddenly turn insane or something else ridiculous).

What you get: Heir to the Mockers Guild, extensive training as a thief and leader, unique and fun RP with a variety of thieves and criminal characters, opportunity to participate in Guild events, join the Mockers, play a large role in the guild and those affiliated specifically included Lysle Rigger and Logan Boldshoulder. Also a unique, interesting and exciting backstory with extensive in-depth history and relations. Possible future sibling RP. A unique RP experience as the son of an aspiring crime lord. Also involves their own "heretic" religion that you will be apart of.

How to apply: Simply respond here stating your interest and links to previous character profiles if possible and/or any other documents to show your writing skill.

Why so picky? This character/RP'er will be playing a huge role in the future of my guild, I don't want that potentially messed up by poor quality RP. No offence intended.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Oooooh I want to do this so bad but I have no open character spaces .-.



Lord of Altera
Statin' mah interest..

I have a free alt..
I'm not in the mood of playing as an orphan..

All is in my signature..


Lord of Altera
Vyne north, a kid from 9-ish years..Both parents died or something..
I can't play as a child of 9 years..Making it an orphan is even more spiteful to me..

Playing a 19 year old though, is good, and a more fit role for me..


Settling in Altera
Compared to another applicant, you don't seem exactly interested or excited to play the role. On another note, aren't you also currently leading a guild?


Lord of Altera
I almost never sound excited..That's just me..

And yes..My main account leads Harmaa..
Wich is not a guild, but more of a bunch of grief worshippers..
Who unite and aspire to burn the world..


Settling in Altera
My first applicant sent me several paragraphs and references in a PM. His response is tiny in comparison and the dots feel lacking any true interest or determination for the role. I want someone who will be determined to take on the role, not something to do on the side.