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General Pakgu Sexuality Info


Lord of Altera
I would like to inform you all that my character, Oglub Pakgu, will in fact be Homosexual. Not that this is a big deal or anything just putting it out there. And to admins, am I allowed to do this? Will anyone be offended? I just though ALtera needed more Sexual Diversity.

Besat of wishes,
Oglub Pakgu


Lord of Altera
I personally have no issue with it, there is already a pair of homosexual women in Altera, so you should be alright.


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
No one should take offence to it! Well they shouldn't anyway.. There are no problems with being homosexual in real life or in a made up place where you can do pretty much anything unless Nael finds out!


Lord of Altera
Ha! Good luck with that, you're pretty ugly so you should have a lot of trouble. xD

Not really, good luck on your manventure.


Magus of Nothing

You shall be insulted for being an invert in RP... Atleast, that's what I'll do.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
There really should be no issues with this- Bother me if anyones giving you a hard time and I'll straighten them out.