Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Removal of Faces in Role-Play


Retired Staff
Never mind the fact that you can't reshape your entire skull. You'd look like an absolute idiot wearing someone else's face, because unless you're their twin (and removed your own face to make space) it'll look like the worst mask ever made.

Also, you could call out the face-wearer for looking like this dude:



Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
This.. Happens?...

*Scoots over to Cherry's rocks and hides under it*

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Chopping peoples' faces off?
Weird and a little scary.

Chopping Clouds' face off and watches as it disintegrates and re-appears?
God damn terrifying when you see the grin

Serious note, not sure who thought up of this idea intentionally, but you would think having permission to go into detail about certain types of stabbing would be enough to satisfy 'the crazies'


I carved into someones face once. Back in the day. A nice S for slayers.... I think that was on Chaoticdog :p who at the time was refered to as butterbeard....
But I think cutting off a face is worse....


Lord of Altera
Thanks for telling me Yoda...I will make sure to take the idea out of my list *crosses it off*

The things people on Hollowworld come up with these days, geese, I know it is getting a little more boring but really guys........can't you find something better to do?