Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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General Pakgu Sexuality Info


I'm just going to say this once, and if you take it the wrong way....well that's your problem.
Don't run to staff yelling homophobe if someone calls you out on it IC. A lot of people like playing a medieval enviroment in different ways, whether they are anti-equality, racist, sexist and yes, homophobic.
Who cares as long as it isn't taken OOC.


Lord of Altera
I'm just going to say this once, and if you take it the wrong way....well that's your problem.
Don't run to staff yelling homophobe if someone calls you out on it IC. A lot of people like playing a medieval enviroment in different ways, whether they are anti-equality, racist, sexist and yes, homophobic.
Who cares as long as it isn't taken OOC.
Well I am not gay in real life just to clarify :) Oh and I am expecting IC hate, hence why I made this choice :p


General Oglub said:
Well I am not gay in real life just to clarify :) Oh and I am expecting IC hate, hence why I made this choice :p
I knew it wasn't real life xD and good just checking c: