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Om'echan, a dead religion


Settling in Altera
Sagacious sits at a table in a dark tavern, a candle sitting beside him and an old tome lay before him.

"In the beginning there was no earth, nor sky nor hells. The Gods both Greater and Lesser gathered a meeting in the stars, they forged in their power a world containing both creation and destruction, beauty and monstrosities. The Greater Gods took up seats of much greater power, ruling over far larger domains within this realm. The Lesser Gods focused on much smaller domains within this realm. Banath, a Lesser God ruling over the domain of theft, trickery and deception was believed to have started an argument between the Greater Gods Hom-Shodo and The Mad God, Hom-Shodo ruling over Balance and The Mad God ruling over Evil. The following centuries burst into a war between the Gods, the Lesser Gods fighting for their champions, although Banath took no part in the war."
"The war resulted in countless deaths of many Lesser Gods, the Greater Gods only suffering two deaths out of their five. In a final ditch to win the War of the Gods, Ka-Hooli, Lesser God of Vengeance and Justice rallied the Lesser Gods, Turakamu, God of Death and Tith-Onanka; God of War. Ka-Hooli rode his flaming chariot into battle, his crimson armor shining bright high above the sky, Turakamu and Tith-Onanka standing at his side. They were moments too late to save Sibi, the Greater God of Good, The Mad God had slain his own sister. Hom-Shodo in utter wrath fought The Mad God unto his own demise, the three Lesser-Gods brave enough to challenge The Mad God alone used their wits, magic and might to seal The Mad God forever in The Void but moments before they closed the gap into the Void, The Mad God thrust out his arm and dragged the God of Death with him into the eternal Void, never to be heard from again."
"The sacrifice of Hom-Shodo and Turakamu brought on centuries of prosperity, but without the Greater God of Good and Balance, the world slowly turned astray, even without the influence of The Mad God. The two remaining Greater Gods were forced to share the Greater domains, and the Lesser were forced to share the Lesser domains. Khali-Shi now hosts herself as The Goddess of Death in her twin-brothers absence."
Gods and Domains
The Greater
Hom-Shodo - God of Balance; He who is Above All - (currently dead).
Sibi - the Selfless; Goddess of good; She who is perfection - (currently dead).
Zamach - the Selfish; God of Evil; The Mad God - (currently sealed away)
Harnduk - Forger of Action; the Giver of Laws.
Nictac - Worker from Within; Calculator of Odds.
The Lesser
Banath - The Artful Dodger; the Prankster; the Nightwalker.
Sho-Pi - Shield of the Weak. Goddess of Passive Strength, The Protector.
Ka-hooli - The Howler After Fugitives; the Unraveller of Mysteries of Truth; God of Justice/Vengeance.
Calis - The Singer of Green Silences; the Gatherer of Quiet Pleasures; the Goddess of Love; Goddess of Nature.
Khali-shi - The Drawer of Nets, She who Waits; the Mistress of Death; Judger of Souls.
Jehan-suz - The Burner of Cities; the Light Bringer; God of Fire.
LaTimsa - The White; the Pure; the Follower of one Path.
Tith-Onanka - The War God; the Tactician; the Joyful Warrior.
The Dead Lesser
The Dead Gods also known as the forgotten, nigh all knowledge of these Gods have been destroyed.
Eortis - The Master of Oceans. Builder of Ships. Master of Fishers
Justur - Master of Song. Lord of the Dance. Father of the Arts.
Tuth - Master of Levels. Hewer of Stone. God of Builders. Lord of Laborers.
Turakamu - Brother to Death. Eater of Hearts. The Silently Waiting One. The Red God.
Salana - Mistress of Rain. Harvest Mother. Mother of Beasts.
Hilio - The Teacher. Master of Wisdom. Judge of Life.
Wodar-Hospur - The Lorekeeper. All Knowing.
Fa - The Sleeper. Master of the Night. The Retriever.
Baracan - The Sorcerer. The Caster of Arcane.
The Avatars
"Long it has been believed that the Lesser Gods bless mortal beings, sharing a shard of their Godly soul to impart them with greater wisdom, strength or will. These beings are considered Avatars of the Gods, their only duty in life to serve their God, to use their blessings to the Gods favor. Many have claimed to be Avatars of the Gods but none have been proven, it can be rumored that the Gods have forsaken their Avatars, or that their Avatars remain in hiding."
The Followers
"The followers of Om'echan have always been spread thin, but even more-so with the Inquisition, in small hamlets you may find a single follower hiding away where the eyes of the Church may not find them, the large group of followers are usually criminals, not so fearing of the wrath of the Inquisition or totally opposing them. In recent history there has been Templars and Monks of the Gods, but have quickly been vanquished, their relics resting in the hands of other followers. Few cannibals have found to be worshipers of Khali-Shi, eating their victims as sacrifice to the Goddess of Death. Templars of Ka-Hooli hunt down wrong-doers, sending them to their graves but have been known to side with Thieves and Pirates if to tackle on a greater foe. The followers of Om'echan are so few in number and the religion so unheard of that it has been considered a dead religion, or a dying one."
((OOC: [WIP] ))


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
Just to point out If you or anyone else is actually following this in game the Inquisition have the permission of the lore team to kill your characters permanently with or without your approval.


Magus of Nothing
Just to point out If you or anyone else is actually following this in game the Inquisition have the permission of the lore team to kill your characters permanently with or without your approval.
Does this also apply with Darkbloods and normal heretics...?


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
It really depends, as darkbloods are actual lore its not as harshly handled, aethism is fine (Though makes no sense) Actually creating false religions or openly going against the lore (which is what this is if your posting it on the forums so others may follow it) loses you all your rights for your character to exsist in Altera basically.

We would generally check with the lore team but I think this is a fairly easy call.


Magus of Nothing
It was for my own information as I may be making a Darkblood.

PS: May want to shorten that signature.


Carpet Monkey
Just to point out If you or anyone else is actually following this in game the Inquisition have the permission of the lore team to kill your characters permanently with or without your approval.
i think he knows. you just have to note that this char is masked just like lord icecloack. if i look at archmage i wouldn't be surprised if he would choose his chars death anyway if he ever gets defeated so that shouldn't be a big problem =)

btw shouldn't there be a special handling for heretics? like with darkbloods?


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
its a weirdly grey area, going against the lore like this is basically just kill them quickly and get rid of them, they try it again ban them (Or so it was back when Fitz/Alpha was in charge of the church)


Carpet Monkey
its a weirdly grey area, going against the lore like this is basically just kill them quickly and get rid of them, they try it again ban them (Or so it was back when Fitz/Alpha was in charge of the church)
yes but what i ment is are you supposed to oppose the church ic other then being a heretic? =) i would say, opposition -always- is part of ideas and systems and should be considred like that?

i don't say to leave them btw, but maybe scrap the ban for this "offense" of the lore?
look at what archmage did there, he realy put thought and work into creating a char opposing the church, i think that should be honoured =)
and i belive he is a decent roleplayer that will not annoy you guys but give you a fun opponent to work with/against =)


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
Theres a difference between in character heresy and ignoring the lore OOC. This appears to be the latter.


The Kingdom Crusher
Religions literally spout everyday, it's bound to happen that sentient cultures will either twist or make up their own form of a current belief system. Tribal societies probably have thousands of religions in total, though most would be dead or have a cult following. I don't think he's going against the lore, that would be if he was showing physical signs of theses gods existance.


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
Im just going by the instructions I was given 7 months to a year ago.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
A couple of things:

1, I really enjoy this pantheon, especially the idea that a number of gods are actually dead. Not many religions allow their gods to die.

aethism is fine (Though makes no sense)
When people claim atheism, I don't think they mean not believing in gods, though there could be some fringe cases where people stay skeptical despite all the evidence. Most "atheists" on the server simply don't care. It's actually probably harder to convince people to worship the gods when everyone knows they exist, because then when those gods don't intervene when the person has troubles, then why worship the gods?

3: I don't think worshiping the "wrong" gods constitutes breaking lore. There are always new cults popping up, even in modern day. I think roleplay-wise it'd make sense for the church to hunt these people down, but not for any OOC "lore breaking" reason.

edit - kinda got ninja'd, oh well.


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
Again, Im literally just going by what I was commanded to do with the church when it was first given to me. Im not even part of the church anymore I was just warning him that they do still retain that power. Im certainly never debating anything about the church with anyone ever again that's one of my many reasons for leaving. Im am simply stating the fact that is character is currently in the position where it MAY be perma killed without warning if he goes through with this.