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Om'echan, a dead religion


Burner of Worlds
There's nothing wrong with worshiping other gods and creating religions. Those gods won't exist and any character who follows them will be just wrong in their beliefs. I am working on a character direction that involves a lot of invented lore that Sir Rauyran will believe based on research he is doing but will actually be wrong. Basically he is observing the world and making inferences that kind of add up to him, but he's missing the actual facts of the situation. I can't say much more than this at this stage except it doesn't involve gods false or otherwise. I don't think enough people play characters with incorrect beliefs :)


Non sum qualis eram
Let me clarify two things:

One: I don't care what your characters happen to think about the divines. However.

Two: Lots of people making up their own belief systems is counter-productive to having consistently-understandable divines lore.

And, much more importantly:

Three: Our gods are pissy and do not like even imaginary competition. Be warned.


Settling in Altera
1. I'm not going against lore, this is a /false/ religion that Sagacious believes is a real religion. He believes the Gods to be real and what happens in the world are the results of the Gods.

2. I find it cruel and disappointing in the server that you would perm kill a char without consent simply because he follows a heretical religion. I've had this char for nearly 2 years and if he is forced to be perms killed simply because he believes in a false religion, that will be incredibly disappointing.

Edit: I won't be making an argument of it here, I'll put it in feedback on the forums. Could I get a link to where it specifically states my char can be perma killed without my permission?


Settling in Altera
Hardly new, I've been following it since the moment I stepped foot on Altera ;D I just finally got around to putting it together. If you hear my char say seven hells! In frustration, yeah he is pretty much cursing by using Om'echan


Non sum qualis eram
Oh, it's simpler than that.

Shalherana provides the resurrections. Why would she bring someone back that actively spurns her?

(IE: It's not that they can perma-kill your character, it's that they can try and kill your character as normal, but if they happen to die, they won't be brought back by the Sisterhood of Shalherana.)


The Mogul of Cromarcky
I thought the sisterhood took no side, no government, no god, but simply revived any who would be useful in the war against grief.


Settling in Altera
But she would revive assassins, bandits, thieves and crooks? And when it comes to a man that is misguided and follows a non-existent God he is condemned for that sin? That Sisterhood needs to prioritise.


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
Not the sisterhood read it again the goddess herself provides the actual power to revive people.


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
Also, and it baffles me the sheer number of times I've explained this, the gods are there to fight grief, they do not give a damn about whatever mortal laws someone may break.

edit: And on occasion fight amongst themselves.


Settling in Altera
I retract my statement. The Goddess needs to prioritize. If they're there to fight Grief, Lysle has the influence and power to do so, to kill him would be a waste. The last time I dropped from a leadership position in a criminal guild, it crumbled and the rats went running, I'm the glue to them, not only that but I am apart of the Royal Council. I would believe I would have the influence to combat Grief, a shortcoming of being misguided since being a baby would become less important.

I'll be making a thread on Feedback, debate there. This is an RP thread.


The server has its rules and lore for a very good reason.

I personally think its really good that your doing some creative writing, but by supporting it whatever your motives make you a heretic like EVERYONE else who does it, even one of my own characters,

If we make an exception to one, everyone will want it, in which is simply why we say no. If your found out in RP, sorry its going to happen.

A heretic is essentially as bad as a grief worshipper, and those aren't useful in the fight against greif. Then Boom, the characters gone. Sorry, thats just the way it has to be.


Settling in Altera
My point is to stop this ridiculous perma-killing, not solely for me but for everyone that wishes to have a consistent heretical character. I crafted my own character with extensive history, hours of RP and I don't want someone saying "Nope religion, dead, permanently."


My point is to stop this ridiculous perma-killing, not solely for me but for everyone that wishes to have a consistent heretical character. I crafted my own character with extensive history, hours of RP and I don't want someone saying "Nope religion, dead, permanently."
If you don't want it, don't do it.

We put in consequences like these to discourage people doing it, otherwise we'd be overrun with it.

The months of extensive work behind this server lore, what's the point in it if we don't have reasons to follow it?


Magus of Nothing
Well, the thing that confuses me is why Grief Worshippers aren't allowed to be perma-killed... surely they add less to the fight than a character such as Lysle?


Non sum qualis eram
Well, the thing that confuses me is why Grief Worshippers aren't allowed to be perma-killed... surely they add less to the fight than a character such as Lysle?
Known Dark-bloods, if killed, are also not resurrected by the sisterhood, again for obvious reasons.

The keyword is known.