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Perfect Characters

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Lord of Altera
Guys, just want you to know, that I mean no offence by this thread, just trying to stop all this happening.

/rant start

Some people have perfect characters. I don't mean characters that are amazing, because they've been on the server for long, but characters that never get hurt, are amazing at everything they do, and have tons of weapons in their pockets.

1. Character's that don't get hurt permanently

What I mean by this, is having permanent ailments, such as a limp, a weaker arm, maybe even a limb missing. Just a day ago, I popped a characters eye, and mutilated the area around it. Next time I saw him, he said his eye 'grew back'. This is appalling.

They can't use magic, because it is disabled, and ( I think ) with it you can not grow back body parts.
I want people to actually get hurt, and not just grow back their finger, or suddenly have all their teeth back.

Also, some people just 'dodge' attacks, or 'sidestep', or have armour that prevents even 10 arrows, one after each other, from piercing it. Some people don't get knocked back, and stand still, even if a large rock is thrown at their body. Some people say OP when you dodge one attack, then they dodge or sidestep all of your attacks.

2. They are amazing at EVERYTHING they do.

What I mean by this, is that characters suddenly know everything, from as soon as they join the server, their character can use a sword, a dagger, a bow, they can read, write, swim, climb, run really fast, and kill people with 2 hits. In real life, as soon as you become, what? 15, 16? Can you use a dagger and a sword in both hands while climbing up a 10m high building? No, thought not. People need to LEARN skills, not just have them immediately. If they have it in their backstory, fine, but they can't be the BEST EVER at using bows, or a sword. If they have trained in-game, that's perfectly fine.

3. Countless weapons.

What I mean by this, is, that people just magically have a giant spear on there back, a dagger in there shoe, a bow on there back, and a 2h sword in their hair. Think realistically, people. You would have to walk quite slowly if you have more than 2 moderately sized weapons on you, unless you're an earthspawn, or a strong character overall. My character brings around a cane, which he uses for fighting, and walking, as he has a limp. It is to elbow height, and has a thin strip of steel through the middle, to stop it breaking quickly. This is not going to be very heavy, so he carries it around everywhere, not really hindering how fast they go.
Now, imagine your character has a massive waraxe, the size of around their chin, maybe? It is made of a long, thick rod of wood, and a massive plate of strong, thick steel. This would be very heavy, and would slow you down, unless, stated before, you are very strong, or an earthspawn.

I would like characters to -not- carry around massive weapons, be amazing at using that weapon, and not get injured permanently when someone chops their foot off.

/rant end


Lord of Altera
yeah! the other day a guy with a character called Lokhan Smyte just sidestepped from my throwing knife!


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
I could not agree more.
Also, the vast amount of characters who act however is convenient for them to "win" or gain an advantage in an RP rather than how they actually would. We need people with personalities, not shells that always want to win.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Also this includes real time reflexes, so they probably wouldn't be able to block or get out the way if someone went to punch you. If you did somehow manage to get out the way, they would probably stumble... :D


Lord of Altera
I agree a lot with this.

Although, what if the guy didn't want his character's eye popped out? I really don't think people should forcely give another character a disability by popping his eye out or something. Every person has their own character and have control of that one character - they decide what happens to the character and so on.

Although being that OP that no one ever hurts the character, of course, shouldn't happen.

Apart from that one thing, which I am not too sure about, I agree with the rest.


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
While I agree wholeheartedly with your post, Monkey, I feel it should also be raised that-

Some peoples' characters attack everything that moves.
I literally cannot take a stroll through the Mead area without someone attempting to stab me. Yes, medieval times were rough, and yes there were pickpockets and cutthroats and ruffians, but when they make up 70% of the population it's just... Rubbish roleplay, and if we're trying to adhere to the medieval culture, then I would see this as a problem ^.^

Just something to take into account alongside the OP characters: Yes, there are an awful lot of nonsensical dodges and dives and weapons and strengths etc, but the same can be said for those attacking, too.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I recently got into a fight with an Earth spawn. We both swung at the same time. I swung my greatsword at her head, and she hit me in the chest with a mace. I had armour on, she had none. I accepted that i was hit and went down with broken ribs. She then stands up again perfectly fine with only, and i quote, "minor bleeding". Its just annoying *sigh* A swing with a greatsword at the head would fracture the skull, if not break through completely!


Lord of Altera
I recently got into a fight with an Earth spawn. We both swung at the same time. I swung my greatsword at her head, and she hit me in the chest with a mace. I had armour on, she had none. I accepted that i was hit and went down with broken ribs. She then stands up again perfectly fine with only, and i quote, "minor bleeding". Its just annoying *sigh* A swing with a greatsword at the head would fracture the skull, if not break through completely!
Again, as I said, that's a thing I don't like :p

Although, that goes back to forcely cutting the other person's head off with a greatsword. The character would most likely die. And this is where it turns into a forcing death. The player most likely didn't want their character's head cut off, so he/she just did something to prevent it from happening.

I know I wouldn't want my character's head cut off, I would work around it somehow as well.

I think we need to take this "forcing players to die or lose a limb or worse" thing up in a thread sometime.


Lord of Altera
Again, as I said, that's a thing I don't like :p

Although, that goes back to forcely cutting the other person's head off with a greatsword. The character would most likely die. And this is where it turns into a forcing death. The player most likely didn't want their character's head cut off, so he/she just did something to prevent it from happening.

I know I wouldn't want my character's head cut off, I would work around it somehow as well.

I think we need to take this "forcing players to die or lose a limb or worse" thing up in a thread sometime.
They could always just say *didnt cut through completely*
Or *deep cut*


Lord of Altera
Agree %100. I am really growing tired of the unending fighting that goes on because neither person wants to lose the fight. One of the people in the fight needs to be mature enough to either lose or just run away.

I am more on the side of 'do not even bother fighting unless it is absolutely necessary'. This means there's no sparring in the streets of whatever, just don't even fight at all (when it's pointless). Even if you are fighting in PS, it's not as if the guards wouldn't step in and deal with it, so fight elsewhere.

I don't have a problem with the fighting when it advances the RP.


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
If you get your character into a fight you must be prepared to have them die.
Very simple. If the Earthspawn initiated the fight, or didn't run away, etc, then there's a realistic chance they could die.

Perhaps we need one simple rule:

You can't try to damage other characters unless you are prepared to have yours damaged too.


Lord of Altera
Also, some people just 'dodge' attacks, or 'sidestep', or have armour that prevents even 10 arrows, one after each other, from piercing it.
10 Arrows? 10 ARROWS? If you get hit by something and have armor on. It doesn't mean I'M INVINCIBLE!
Ten arrows to your armour would hurt alot. The bruises left from the shots would hurt so much like it was a stab with a dagger....


Loyal Servant of Altera
10 Arrows? 10 ARROWS? If you get hit by something and have armor on. It doesn't mean I'M INVINCIBLE!
Ten arrows to your armour would hurt alot. The bruises left from the shots would hurt so much like it was a stab with a dagger....
Arrows, especially bodkin arrows, were designed to pierce even plate armour, by the way.


Lord of Altera
Server Outreach
I remember this guy in chainmail thought he was invincible to swords and everything even though while stopping the blade, he would still feel the force


Lord of Altera
Server Outreach
Hit him over the head to knock him out 'nope, wearing helmet'


I miss the good ol days of RP back when i first joined. Those were the best.

Me and my attempt to create a large tribe or moderate to low skilled Druids who are by Law not allowed to be violent in any manner unless defending themselve or another.

We need new ways of roleplay, and not this massive obsession for violence and the dominance over who has the most OP character.

Try playing a peasant, someone Normal. It makes you unique, fun and much more appreciated as a character instead of a high and mighty feared and hated person that's roleplays turn into arguments :(

Sorry if this sounds a little naggy... I just have this vision of role play where we have people who play the odd jobs, a society amongst our community, where people have jobs and function as one. Where a hero is rare, and the villain even more so.


Lord of Altera
But people don't want to make a normal character with a normal job. I have tried, and I quickly lost interest in it.

People think it's much more fun to make a cool hero that fights the evil, or a cool villain destroying things. It just makes RP much more interesting, with new adventures each day, new things to do and all that. People prefer that instead of selling bread everyday or selling beef everyday.

I really do agree that we need more normal people. Right now we have nothing but heroes and such. But people just don't think it's as interesting as having a baker or butcher.


Burner of Worlds
If you don't like walking through spawn and being stabbed then don't RP at spawn. Try somewhere that isn't the easiest place in the server to reach. Go 5 streets away to the Norwegian or any other of the dozens of great locations within 60 seconds walk of spawn. There were less silly fights when spawn wasn't in a major RP location (when it was in the main square)