Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Perfect Characters

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... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
If you get your character into a fight you must be prepared to have them die.
Very simple. If the Earthspawn initiated the fight, or didn't run away, etc, then there's a realistic chance they could die.

Perhaps we need one simple rule:

You can't try to damage other characters unless you are prepared to have yours damaged too.

... I've stopped asking people, half of the time, for their permission before severing limbs because a lot of people don't seem to realize that actions have consequences.

On that note, people really should fight less. (I sound like a bit of a hypocrite here, but Basil's dead and Nwalme no longer fights unless provoked or stopping another. :p) With a lack of guards, I've started making Nwalme a vigilante and crippling people who won't stop fighting each other in front of the Mead....


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
But people don't want to make a normal character with a normal job. I have tried, and I quickly lost interest in it.

People think it's much more fun to make a cool hero that fights the evil, or a cool villain destroying things. It just makes RP much more interesting, with new adventures each day, new things to do and all that. People prefer that instead of selling bread everyday or selling beef everyday.

I really do agree that we need more normal people. Right now we have nothing but heroes and such. But people just don't think it's as interesting as having a baker or butcher.
Then don't be a baker or butcher. We could use more politicians, or perhaps some form of squire that most certainly isn't a hero but follows around their mentor knight, learning their craft. Or some form of blacksmith, not a fighter but someone supplying crafts to the warriors instead of said warrior's weaponry being bought off of NPCs, or just appearing out of thin air.


Burner of Worlds
I really do agree that we need more normal people. Right now we have nothing but heroes and such. But people just don't think it's as interesting as having a baker or butcher.
Actually I think there are lots of non-heroes on the server but because they aren't in your face all the time they are forgettable. The ones that stick in your mind are the ones you are complaining about. What I'm saying is that I think it feels like everyone is a hero because they are the loudest and most attention grabbing.


Lord of Altera
1. I've lost eyes and arms and I have RP'ed to get that back, Slade repaired my eyes and arms when they were mutilated along with Isabet's.
2. I have one weapon called Debaucher, granted its a 6ft long diamond spear but I follow the Diamond lore and it can be easily defeated by "Parrying to the left/right"
3. I've developed my char as a acrobat, granted he has failed sometimes and smashed his face off some walls

the whole idea of self image is pivotal to Andras so he would go to extremes to get his limbs back.


Lord of Altera
1. I've lost eyes and arms and I have RP'ed to get that back, Slade repaired my eyes and arms when they were mutilated along with Isabet's.
2. I have one weapon called Debaucher, granted its a 6ft long diamond spear but I follow the Diamond lore and it can be easily defeated by "Parrying to the left/right"
3. I've developed my char as a acrobat, granted he has failed sometimes and smashed his face off some walls

the whole idea of self image is pivotal to Andras so he would go to extremes to get his limbs back.
said, if the person is strong, that's fine. If you've RPed those skills, it's fine.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
If you get your character into a fight you must be prepared to have them die.

People are so damn careless, they just run into things and start swinging, it really is taking the mick out things.



Lord of Altera
Yeah I take the whole idea of not being a perfect character in to account. I mean my guy has one eye and has lost his sword hand, so he tends to stay out fights and I have got him to start training with hsi left hand :D


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... Ahm, yes. It is perfectly possible, through magic. Without magic, you're more likely to kill yourself than get your eyes and limbs back.

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
I recently got into a fight with an Earth spawn. We both swung at the same time. I swung my greatsword at her head, and she hit me in the chest with a mace. I had armour on, she had none. I accepted that i was hit and went down with broken ribs. She then stands up again perfectly fine with only, and i quote, "minor bleeding". Its just annoying *sigh* A swing with a greatsword at the head would fracture the skull, if not break through completely!
I /think/ that I may know who you speak off, In her defence, from what I've saw she applied in February but was rather inactive and did not really begin to RP regularly until may. Meaning she has not had time to develop her RP skills. You have been here for about, a year and a half?

Now, I was not their so I will not judge but maybe next time instead of making a post slating them off. Point out their mistakes and help them learn. It is not just the staff who can help. As a older player you can easily help newer ones out when they need to be shown the path! Nether, anyone can help on Hollowworld! A new-player can point out a old players mistake but my point is moaning about it will not do anything. If you want change, make change! and to do that help players who are still learning RP.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
...We could use more politicians...
This. I'm so tired of the Wild West feeling that the server gives off. Constant fighting in the saloon, wanted posters instead of consistent law enforcement, no real sense of authority or respect, just outlaws and vigilantes constantly going at it attempting to find out who's got the biggest pistol. ugh.

I'd love to have other true politicians like myself to be able to roleplay with. It seems like every house's leaders are primarily warriors that just also happen to have to be in politics, or master assassins, or the like. I'm not going to get into specifics, but it's pretty ridiculous at the amount of characters on the server that seem like pacifists and non-combatants that actually secretly are masters of some sort of fighting technique or other devious art.


Lord of Altera
I don't know if anyone feels this way, but, I feel like there is way too much fighting going on at the Mead. It is as though there is a fight every single day. I kind of wish that there was just a rule to not fight there, fight somewhere else. I like to RP at the Mead but I want it to be talking and things, not fighting.

The fighting is great and all, but it floods the chat and it might be nice to RP somewhere else. I do try and get myself to the Norwegian, but, not a lot of people actually go there to RP.


Lord of Altera
This. I'm so tired of the Wild West feeling that the server gives off. Constant fighting in the saloon, wanted posters instead of consistent law enforcement, no real sense of authority or respect, just outlaws and vigilantes constantly going at it attempting to find out who's got the biggest pistol. ugh.

I'd love to have other true politicians like myself to be able to roleplay with. It seems like every house's leaders are primarily warriors that just also happen to have to be in politics, or master assassins, or the like. I'm not going to get into specifics, but it's pretty ridiculous at the amount of characters on the server that seem like pacifists and non-combatants that actually secretly are masters of some sort of fighting technique or other devious art.
I couldn't agree more! I love politics its such a great aspect, I remember to the building of the Game of Crowns, the plots between houses, making alliances. It does feel like that fire has burned down, I've even started to employ spies to find information about certain people so it can be used for future plots :D


Lord of Altera
All of my characters were fighters before Proteus. Fighting eventually lost its fun so I made a chef to test out. So far, it's really good... Granted, not as exciting as fighting, but way more opportunity than just swinging a sword.

Gizmoon's quote: People need to be more normal. If not, then limit you character to small stuff. I think it'd be bettter if fighters checked out their swords with a proffessional sword expert and not just know everything about the sword.


Lord of Altera
I hit Nus instead of Yus. (As in No to perfect characters)

Being as I am not even playing on the server a lot of what I say could very easily be misinformed.

Fighting in RP is fun. As long as it's done in a manner where each participant has a chance to interact fully. ( This can be said of just about any style of RP. ) Godmodding your way to victory isn't RP, it's Godmod.
Usually when it comes to fighting in my RP I rely on a d20 to determine which blows hit, and which miss. This approach takes honesty and maturity from both sides because it's not necessarily viewable by the other participants what you rolled.
Not that I'm saying a d20 rule should be established, or enforced. But it is a way to mitigate the issues of godmod in combat RP.


Retired Staff
Neither of my characters is a combatant. I've tried it and it really just gets boring.

Vorar could outmatch most anyone in a fight, even with the extensive nerfs I intentionally place on him with regularity, but that doesn't mean I'm going to fight people. I've stopped going to the Mead because whenever I go there's a fight. If the Mead was a real place it'd have a large police presence or would've been shut down from all the anarchistic fighting.

My other character, by the way, is a beggar with pyrokinesis that works even with Broken Moon in effect. Still never gets into fights.