Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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I am now a quest NPC! (or should that be PC?)


Admin au Naturale
Hello all, Im back from uni!

Till the new world opens shortly I will be setting up little quests for people to do, nothing too challenging (mainly just fetching me things that Ive hidden in the Sorrows)

So if your ever bored, come find me, Ill usually be in the pub by spawn and if I havent got one set up already then Ill make you a quest while-u-wait


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
Did you find some clothes at the uni or are you still walking about naked behind thar beard?


Robin, you'll never be an NPC to me.
Your the one who I first RP'ed with! And started my life as Gromm!
Forever, I call you friend, calling you an NPC would be such an insult...