Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Perfect Characters

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Lord of Altera
My character (who I'm enjoying immensely), is an awkward, clumsy, bitter and fiery maid. A maid. Sounds boring, right? Actually, I'm enjoying this character more than either of my others.

This is because it is not the occupation of "Warrior", "Politician" or "Maid" that should define your character, though it is going to affect them a bit. It should be their traits, personality, relationships and memories that creates and enrichens the RP's. Many other people have been warriors and gentlemen, this is not what should dictate your characters actions.

However, a fair few people tend to play more off the basis that their character is a "warrior" and swings weapons than the actual character itself. Which is where the hollow, endless fights come in, and the over-powered hero characters arrive~


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... Not enough people seem to realize it's much more fun to have a character with a personality than it is to have a character with the ability, earned through RP or not, to poke and prod people with swords or axes well.


Retired Staff
Woah woah woah, baron, what? Pyrokenesis without learning it?

4th level fireblessed. It's entirely uncontrolled and he hates it when it happens, going to lengths including trying to knock himself out at the slightest spark.


Legend of Altera
I am in no way bragging but I embraced this before I posted this comment. My first character, when he got into his first sword fight, he died (but the sisterhood helped out, so no worries ;)). He was against the leader of a mercenary group *coughbloodycoincough* who outmatched him, as well as a nimble caparii that stopped him from escaping. He has the scar to prove it.