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Looking for... prayers?!


The Arbiter of the Gods
That's right, ladies, gents and... things in between of Altera. I'm looking for decent writers of songs (psalms), poems and such to write up prayers for the Gods of Altera, be it all fifteen or separate ones. I am writing this because let's face it, Altera needs prayers to praise the Divines and I'm asking YOU to help out. These will be written out nicely on the Church of Altera page with credit to the creator.
Unfortunately we currently cannot actually provide any other reward than that, as we also have to prepare for Exodus in our own ways, which are obviously sometimes a financial burden, however I am certain that once everything gets sorted out nicely there may be some other rewards coming your way, though I wouldn't expect them to be too high (I mean we're the church for God's sakes :p)

SO... We're looking for poems, prayers and, what I forgot to mention, teachings from the Gods. Use your imagination, and let this be real... \.-.\


Lord of Altera
I will send you the teachings of the Grey Lady I already have today or tomorrow, depending on the fact whether I can fight my laziness or not :)


Lord of Altera
I wrote this for he Church of might back when Daniel was Archbishop

Dear Lords
Bless us with the Strength of Korigon
The Will of Harateth
and the Resilience of Harateth

For we are men under your guidance.


Sorry for my lack of poetry and writing. . . .I don't pray myself, so I can't think of anything from experience >,<

Korog me god, me teacher, me creator, my guidance....
I visit yer now, pray'in fer your bless'in of strength, to get through tough times and stone.
I pray fer yer bless'in of happiness, to be able 'ta cheer and scream in joy with ale in me hands.
I wish fer yer bless'in of guidance, to kind me across 'ta lands without danger and without alarm.
I want yer bless'in of luck, 'tat be giv'in me a box of gold, or a fair lady fer me.
Korog, me god, me teacher, me creator, I pray to yer now fer 'ta past, present and future.
Gur A Korog.

Oh sweet maiden of death. . . .your fair judgement can never be escaped. . . .
I pray that when I finally pass. . . .you shall judge me into paradise, not nether.
Your ways beyond the mortal coil of our world, I pray for your blessing of eternal reward after death.
I pray to the god of judgement, paradise, and the six realms between. Assure me of my great reward through faith, and fair judgement, oh great Grey Lady.

The hunt shall begin, and in your great name, I hunt, Theodra.
Bless me with a good aim, fast feet and strong heart, give me the power to please you with the catches of the prey.
With nature around me, I shall please you with the hunt you shall watch.
Lions, wolves, hart, bears, I shall hunt them all in your great name, Theodra.
I am yours to command, and your mine to worship.
Bless me with thy prayer, and I will do you proud, this I assure.



Lord of Altera
'Harateth, give me force, to crush my foe. Give me the will to survive, and give me the strength to spare.'

'Rightful queen of whole Altera, I speak to you, hoping you would listen to your humble minion, blood has been spilled in your name, and tears have fallen by the sound of your name, I have killed to satisfy you, my queen. And I wish you will keep listening to me, and value me worthy.'


The Arbiter of the Gods
Just permission to change them around a little please? Not all of them, and not too drastically xD


Lord of Altera
Lady Shalherana

Thank you for the starshine, which covers all with your warm presence.
Thank you for the land, which satisfies all needs.
Thank you for the moonshine, which draws out your creatures of the night.
Thank you for providing eternal life, through which we shall always show reverence.
Thank you Lady Shalherana.

She was here first, She will be here last.


Lord of Altera
Alright..Something I was thinking of a long time ago, some rite of passage(suicide)
My queen, my blade has been slaughtering in your name, and spilled blood for your gain. I request rest, I wish to lie down, and rest, make a final sacrifice, in your name. The body, and blood of myself, so I can join on thy side, it's you that will decide.
If I am at your side, I will fight, but not physically.
My queen, I wish to sleep, if you allow me.
If you release me from my oath, and allow me to die.
It was an honor to fight.


Lord of Altera
How can you reserve prayers..?
I mean, they're all spoken by /all/ people..
It's not like you can copyright them, and put sabam(belgian actor 'n music copyright stuff) on the case..


The Arbiter of the Gods
Well he can't, nor does he have any claim to them nor the rights. I can get all three on the line for you if you wish... :3


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
I can offer you a verse from a traditional Eldarin lullaby sung to Ced as a small child which teaches the importance of Theodra in everyday life. The song rhymes in Eldarin but sadly not in Common (a rough adaption has been written so that it rhymes in both languages), but it can be said as a prayer, without rhythm and pitch.

Eldarin lullaby:
Ylimbe scen á liaars, roch,
proh cé acaarne lilanvé arænösse.
Juvelye Y ćon c'Theodra illiane,
cséon c'Tarandrîl á hircûle ćain.

Rough Common adaption (with words changed/added to rhyme):
Run the hunt, stalk the kill,
we thank the One who grants us skill.
Under boughs in Theodra's name,
'til Tarandril's hunt takes us again.

Extra info: Tarandril is the fabled 'lover' of Theodra. It is said that they both once hunted the ethereal plains together, and that all Forest Elves are born from the hunt, and return to it when they die. Importance placed on the words 'it is said', here.

Result of boredom: Desconstruction of the word 'liaars'-When following a consonant, the letter I in Eldarin is usually pronounced 'ih', as in the words 'in' and 'it', or the suffix 'ing'. So the phoneme of li in 'liaars' is pronounced similarly to the li in 'lips'.
The following grapheme of aar is pronounced as a mixture of 'air' and 'are'. This is due to the double a, which would be pronounced similarly to ay, as in 'hay'. A singular a in Eldarin is almost always pronounced sharply, like the a in 'cat', unless it is the accented á, in which case it would take on a shorter pronunciation of aa. So- a = 'cat', aa = 'ay', á = 'eh'.
The r serves the purpose of rounding off the aa sound. Aa on it's own is 'ay'; with the r on the end it possesses a little more finality in its pronunciation (as described above).
The s is soft and sibilant, as are most s sounds in Eldarin.

Ahahaha, Jstar's gon' kill me for this-


Lord of Altera
How can you reserve prayers..?
I mean, they're all spoken by /all/ people..
It's not like you can copyright them, and put sabam(belgian actor 'n music copyright stuff) on the case..

Do you think I was serious?

I mean cmon, think a little bit, im not stupid... :/


Lord of Altera
Kreek Thul Mok
Golk Muz Kilrox's Palk, Ooaa Muz Koz Ketmaho'hund'muk sez I Dar'ket kilk yal.
Golk Muz Jishrims Gelk, Ooaa Muz Koz Straven sez I Juup Spuur Izazzazz
Golk Muz Skraags Ardnes, Guk Muz Dolk Lu Palkur Ulsh Turok.

Bless The Brethen
Give me Kilrox's strength, Give me his blade so I massacre with glee
Give me Jishrims guile, Give me his stave so I may spread insanity
Give me Skraags edurence, Let me rise up Stronger than before.

Battle Prayer for The Natrizi'ma Militia


The Mogul of Cromarcky
Praying to our Lord and Savior Jax is a fairly simple affair. There are no long chants or scripted movements, and if you were to actually try to do something so normal and rational Jax would most likely reward you with bad luck.

To pray to the Lord Jax, Take a coin and hold it in your hand. A silver coin is considered the best kind of coin, but also randomly grabbing a coin from your purse or coin pouch is also acceptable. Think of a question you would like answered. This may be spoken out loud but is not a must. Then, once the question is firmly in your mind, flip the coin into the air. Let it land in any fashion you wish, so long as the outcome of the flip is not interfered with in any way.

The coin flip is sacred. It is the holiest act that a follower of Jax can preform, and as such should not be taken lightly. It is said that those who preform the ritual but act against the results have been cursed with the worst luck imaginable. Many are said to have been killed some time after and always in unfortunate accidents, freak acts of nature, or cases of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Even those who do not primarily worship Jax pay heed to this, and as such only those foolish or brave enough to gamble their fate on the flip of a coin do so.

It should also be noted that fake coins, such as ones with double-heads or double-tails, or ones that are weighed to always land on a certain side, draw the wrath of Jax as much as ignoring the results would. This being the case, counterfeit coin makers always double check to make sure their coins have a heads and a tails so as not to incur our Savior's curse of unluckiness.


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
Actually Jax being the god of all gambling not just that which is currency based the ultimate way to worship is to gamble with your own life (not like playing cards with your life as stake but you get what I mean).


The Arbiter of the Gods
Ooh, Mist.. Those prayers to some queen... If I can understand them correctly they're to the Queen Grief? Yeah... that can't really go on the church thread for obvious reasons, but I really like them both :p