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Looking for... prayers?!


The Mogul of Cromarcky
Actually Jax being the god of all gambling not just that which is currency based the ultimate way to worship is to gamble with your own life (not like playing cards with your life as stake but you get what I mean).
Well, our Lord and Savior, he who saved us on a whim, His Randomness, Jax, is the god of luck though gambling is one of his subcategories and I understand what you mean. However, when I say "Holiest act" I meant like a ritual. It could be said the holiest ritual you can perform as a catholic is the sacrament (this may be untrue please forgive it is just an example go along with me), and the coin flip is the holiest ritual in the eyes of Jax. Being careless and impulsive isn't really a ritual, it is more following the teachings of Jax (like following the ten commandments are following the teachings of Christianity). Does that make more sense?

Wait, let me get you your pope hat...
I'm sorry, the "..." at the end of your statement appear to make your post look negative and somewhat passive aggressive toward my post. Is this your intention? Did you not ask for "poems, prayers, and what I forgot to mention, teachings from the gods"? My post was both a prayer and attached teaching/lore behind said prayer.

If this wasn't your intention, please disregard. It is sometimes cumbersome to understand the tone behind another person's written word.


The Arbiter of the Gods
I'm sorry, the "..." at the end of your statement appear to make your post look negative and somewhat passive aggressive toward my post. Is this your intention? Did you not ask for "poems, prayers, and what I forgot to mention, teachings from the gods"? My post was both a prayer and attached teaching/lore behind said prayer.

Sorry myself, I should have put a classical :p or something at the end. xD
However, I'd like to think each god wants to hear a prayer or two directed to him/her, just saying.


Lord of Altera
Praying to our Lord and Savior Jax is a fairly simple affair. There are no long chants or scripted movements, and if you were to actually try to do something so normal and rational Jax would most likely reward you with bad luck.

To pray to the Lord Jax, Take a coin and hold it in your hand. A silver coin is considered the best kind of coin, but also randomly grabbing a coin from your purse or coin pouch is also acceptable. Think of a question you would like answered. This may be spoken out loud but is not a must. Then, once the question is firmly in your mind, flip the coin into the air. Let it land in any fashion you wish, so long as the outcome of the flip is not interfered with in any way.

The coin flip is sacred. It is the holiest act that a follower of Jax can preform, and as such should not be taken lightly. It is said that those who preform the ritual but act against the results have been cursed with the worst luck imaginable. Many are said to have been killed some time after and always in unfortunate accidents, freak acts of nature, or cases of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Even those who do not primarily worship Jax pay heed to this, and as such only those foolish or brave enough to gamble their fate on the flip of a coin do so.

It should also be noted that fake coins, such as ones with double-heads or double-tails, or ones that are weighed to always land on a certain side, draw the wrath of Jax as much as ignoring the results would. This being the case, counterfeit coin makers always double check to make sure their coins have a heads and a tails so as not to incur our Savior's curse of unluckiness.

We should do a coin toss whether it gets in or not.. Tails is yes and heads are no...